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Jul 17, 2024 at 07:34 am (PST)
Hi, Time Sync, when started should tray minned, how to achieve that?

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Jun 13, 2024 at 03:22 pm (PST)
i confirm it works on windows 11, shift pressed and click shutdown, btw in case of not working .is left shift. and how do i know it works?, ubuntu let me mount it on rw.

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Jun 3, 2024 at 01:27 am (PST)
I don't have a choice of language with the demo program. Difficult to interpret a speech in French.
I don't know if the program is right for me.
thanks anyway

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Jun 2, 2024 at 08:20 am (PST)
i downloaded and extracted the vosk files in the model folder but they are not shown why??

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May 25, 2024 at 02:45 pm (PST)
Hi. I am interested in an OCR app that uses Google Cloudvision API rather than Tesseract. Can you create such an app for me? If so, what would be the cost?

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Rick Dalmus
May 24, 2024 at 10:42 am (PST)
Can this generator create dynamic QR codes?

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People who use this virus are geeks
May 18, 2024 at 02:42 pm (PST)
Open task manager (press Control, shift, esc all at same time), then go to the startup tab. Clipboard reader from the vovsoft publisher should be at the top with a high start up impact. Left click the clipboard reader/GUbootservice, then disable. Left click it again and open file location. Now open command prompt (windows button and r at same time, then enter "cmd" and hit enter) and also a web browser just in case you get stuck in a void because were about to close file explorer. Copy the link in file explorer to the location of the virus. Now go to the details section also in task manager go to the details section, then find "explorer.exe" and end the task. Most ur tabs and windows 10 will dissapear and you'll have command prompt, task manager, and web browser. In the command prompt after ending task for all explorer.exe in task manager, type del and the exact file address u copied from file explorer where the virus folder is located. Should look like this "del C:\Users\Urmom\AppData\Roaming\PatchClient_v3" In the command prompt and hit enter. If file explorer is not ended through task manager it will not work! Then after it should be deleted and u can type "explorer" into task manager and windows 10 will come back up.

This virus ripped my steam info then my account was drained of items and money within like 2-3 days without any security notifications and nothing has ever happened like this before. The hardest virus I've had to remove too. It's not joke but a pain in the ass more than anything. It just spies and looks for passwords. Someone on this forum "asif" even indicated they use this to steal from people. Geek get a life nerd. Let games and movies be free without all these nerds trying to scrape together 10 pennies from us. None of the top 5 antiviruses caught this either. The cert. says it was made on 04/05/2024 so its very new too and I think I got it from a new game... eh whatever stay diligent. Took me hours to get rid of this weirdos little virus its not even well written either. Very obvious you have a virus when you have it.

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May 18, 2024 at 12:33 am (PST)
There is no sight of uninstallation on my pc. what am i supposed to do?

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May 10, 2024 at 05:55 am (PST)
Je me faisais une joie d'avoir trouvé ce logiciel mais j'ai déchanté.
Il n'y a qu'une langue d'installée et impossible d'en installer une autre. En suivant +/- les indications j'arrive bien, dan le panneau de contrôle, à l'option de charger un autre langage mais ce n'est que pour l'affichage. Rien en relation avec le logiciel.
Je vais encore essayer mais je crois que j'ai déjà tout regardé.
Si quelqu'un sait comment faire et veut bien m'indiquer comment je lui en serais reconnaissant. Autrement je n'aurai plus qu'à le désinstaller. Dommage !!

Merci pour ce que vous pourrez faire pour m'aider.

Bonne journée à toutes et à tous

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May 7, 2024 at 11:23 pm (PST)
Can .docx or .doc be uploaded?