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SEO Checker Full Feature List

Home » Blog Posts » SEO Checker Full Feature List
Date Last updated 4 months ago
Rated 4.5 / 5 (2 reviews)

Vovsoft SEO Checker is a website analyzer and SEO audit tool for Microsoft Windows. In this page, you can find all the features the software has to offer.

SEO Checker Internal Links


  • Domain name based crawl
  • Subdomain name based crawl (links to other subdomains are regarded as external links)


  • Internal page list
    • URL
    • Depth
    • URL Length
    • Status Code
    • Load Time (sec)
    • Word Count
  • Link list
    • URL
    • Type (internal or external)
    • Occurence
    • Status Code
  • Meta title list
  • Meta description list
  • Anchor list
  • Category list (based on URL structure)
  • H1 tag list
  • H2 tag list
  • H3 tag list
  • H4 tag list


  • Internal URL limit (trial limit is 100)
  • Connection Timeout (ms)
  • Response Timeout (ms)
  • User-Agent String
  • Ignore Extensions (ability to ignore links with defined file types on web server)
  • Ignore URLs (ability to ignore defined domain names, folders, etc.)
  • Show Links (right-click any internal URL to display all outbound links)
  • Analyze URL (right-click any internal URL for detailed URL analysis)
    • Image list (source file, alt tag, title tag)
    • HTML Source
    • Readable text (stripped HTML source)
    • Words (word list of readable text)
  • Shortcuts for links (right-click menu)
    • Check Index
      • Google SERP
      • Yahoo SERP
      • Bing SERP
      • Yandex SERP
    • Google Web Cache
    • Google PageSpeed Insights
    • Google Structured Data Testing Tool
    • Google Mobile Friendly Test
    • Google Rich Results Test
    • Wayback Machine
    • Domain IP List
    • Check HTML with W3C Validator
    • AMP Validator
    • Robots.txt
  • Shortcuts to external websites (Tools menu)
    • Ahrefs Backlink Checker
    • Google Ads Keyword Planner
    • Google Analytics
    • Google Search Console
    • Google Trends
    • Ubersuggest
  • Export sitemap (XML)
  • Export internal URLs (CSV and TXT)
  • Export links (CSV and TXT)
  • Export backlinks (CSV and TXT) (internal backlinks only!)
  • Export titles (CSV and TXT)
  • Export titles with URLs (CSV and TXT)
  • Export descriptions (CSV and TXT)
  • Export descriptions with URLs (CSV and TXT)
  • Export anchor list (CSV and TXT)
  • Export category list (CSV and TXT)
  • Export H1 tags (CSV and TXT)
  • Export H2 tags (CSV and TXT)
  • Export H3 tags (CSV and TXT)
  • Export H4 tags (CSV and TXT)
  • Ability to change Database Location
    • Memory (faster)
    • File (slower but this option allows to save & load from drive)
  • Ability to use different OpenSSL version
    • OpenSSL v1 (for compatibility)
    • OpenSSL v3 (supports TLS 1.3 - the latest version of the TLS protocol)
  • Display Unfinished Results
    (when checked, GUI displays current results during crawl)
  • Display Word Counts
    (when checked, "Internal URLs" tab calculates and displays number of readable words)
  • Follow Redirects
    (when checked, redirected URLs will be added to the list)
  • Remove Anchor Links
    (when checked, # links will be ignored - https://vovsoft.com/page#test)
  • Remove Query String Links
    (when checked, ? links will be ignored - https://vovsoft.com/page?test)
  • Strip HTML Markup
    (when checked, some HTML entities (such as nbsp) will be converted to plain text)
  • Reset to Defaults (clears modified settings and restarts application)

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Fatih Ramazan Çıkan
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Software development enthusiast | Electronics engineer

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Comments Responses (1)

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May 13, 2023 at 03:46 am (PST) | Reply
hi how are you. are you going to add more features in your software SEO checker? i use it and it is telling basic information. also, can you upgrade it with nice user interface?

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