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Release Notes

What's new?

This page includes release notes of latest Vovsoft software updates.

Spreadsheet Combiner 1.3
July 25, 2024 Spreadsheet Combiner Version History

  • Application selects A1 cell before saving
  • Application activates first worksheet before saving in Multiple Sheets
  • Fixed “Sheet1” worksheet name conflict in Multiple Sheets
  • Fixed blank first line bug in Single Sheet

Podcast Downloader 3.2
July 22, 2024 Podcast Downloader Version History

  • Added “Summarize” (OpenAI)

Vov Music Player 9.0
July 20, 2024 Vov Music Player Version History

  • Tempo FX is now only created when the user changes the tempo, pitch, or frequency values
  • Improved equalizer window’s mouse wheel behavior
  • Improved “Calculate Play Time”
  • Fixed OGG and OPUS bug

AI Requester 2.4
July 19, 2024 AI Requester Version History

  • Added gpt-4o-mini

Time Sync 2.6
July 19, 2024 Time Sync Version History

  • Added “Minimize at Startup”
  • Added “Minimize to System Tray”
  • INI file is now UTF-8 encoded
  • Improved translations

Batch Translator 4.1
July 11, 2024 Batch Translator Version History

  • Supported Argos Translate (offline translation library)

Hex Viewer 1.5
July 9, 2024 Hex Viewer Version History

  • Supported displaying file architecture (64-bit, 32-bit, 16-bit, etc.) by checking MZ, NE, PE, LE headers

Vov Sticky Notes 9.1
July 9, 2024 Vov Sticky Notes Version History

  • Fixed “Permanently Delete” bug

Vov Sticky Notes 9.0
July 9, 2024 Vov Sticky Notes Version History

  • Added right-click PopupMenu to edit note title
  • Added “Save All as TXT File”
  • Added “Save All as TXT Files to Directory”
  • Added “Import TXT Files”
  • Added PopupMenu icons in note window
  • Improved ColorDialog in settings window
  • Default “Note Window Margin” is 0, instead of 5 pixels
  • “Show Date Time” is enabled by default
  • “Lock” menu item changes to “Unlock” when locked
  • “Mark as Complete” doesn’t change note datetime any more

Executable Bit Scanner 1.0
July 8, 2024 Executable Bit Scanner Version History

  • First public release

URL Extractor 2.5
July 7, 2024 URL Extractor Version History

  • Added “Plain Text Processing” setting: “Memory Stream” option loads the entire file into memory for processing, whereas “File Stream” option does not
  • Improved thread usage

SEO Checker 9.0
July 6, 2024 SEO Checker Version History

  • Improved OpenSSL v3 support
  • Improved HTML stripping
  • Improved “Word Count” calculation
  • Added thousand separator to “Word Count”

HTML Stripper 2.0
July 6, 2024 HTML Stripper Version History

  • Improved strip methods

HTTP Requester 5.0
July 6, 2024 HTTP Requester Version History

  • Added OpenSSL v3
  • Supported TLS 1.3

Website Spell Checker 1.3
July 6, 2024 Website Spell Checker Version History

  • Included French and German spell checker dictionaries, in addition to English
  • Improved INI file
  • Application remembers last dictionary
  • Fixed “Ignore URLs” multiple line save bug

URL Extractor 2.4
July 5, 2024 URL Extractor Version History

  • Added “Skip Large Files”
  • Improved UI

Batch Translator 4.0
July 5, 2024 Batch Translator Version History

  • Supported loading Microsoft Word files (*.doc and *.docx)
  • Supported loading Microsoft Excel files (*.xls and *.xlsx)

RegEx Extractor 2.6
June 28, 2024 RegEx Extractor Version History

  • Improved StatusBar

Proxy Checker 1.2
June 28, 2024 Proxy Checker Version History

  • Improved UI

Proxy Server 1.1
June 28, 2024 Proxy Server Version History

  • Added SSL/TLS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 options
  • Fixed port binding problem
  • Improved UI

Speech to Text Converter 5.2
June 27, 2024 Speech to Text Converter Version History

  • Added “Add” button for Vosk

Proxy Server 1.0
June 27, 2024 Proxy Server Version History

  • First public release

Proxy Checker 1.1
June 27, 2024 Proxy Checker Version History

  • Added Multi-Threading
  • Added “Error” column
  • Added “Reset to Defaults”
  • Added “Show Result” and “Copy” menu items
  • Fixed http connection problem

SEO Checker 8.8
June 26, 2024 SEO Checker Version History

  • Improved OpenSSL v3 support

Batch Image Converter 2.0
June 25, 2024 Batch Image Converter Version History

  • Supported SVG, JP2, JXL, TGA, PSD, PDF, HEIC formats

Proxy Checker 1.0
June 24, 2024 Proxy Checker Version History

  • First public release

Window Resizer 3.4
June 23, 2024 Window Resizer Version History

  • Improved “Auto-Load at Startup”
  • “Blackened Background” hides TaskBar
  • Uninstaller doesn’t open uninstall feedback window if run with silent or verysilent parameters

Domain Checker 8.9
June 23, 2024 Domain Checker Version History

  • Supported .tech TLD
  • Updated whois server list

HTTP Requester 4.6
June 19, 2024 HTTP Requester Version History

  • Added “Delay”, which works when Multi-Threading is disabled
  • Improved proxy support
  • Fixed “No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page” error in “Convert Results to UTF-8 Encoding” option
  • Fixed proxy authentication problem
  • Improved error messages

  • Supported HTML output (rendered, not raw source code)
  • Supported command line arguments
  • Added document name into printer queue for “Print All”
  • Renewed URL list

Hex Viewer 1.4
June 13, 2024 Hex Viewer Version History

  • Application displays file size
  • Application displays whether executables and DLL files are 32-bit or 64-bit (using IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
  • Improved UI

Domain Checker 8.8
June 12, 2024 Domain Checker Version History

  • Improved and simplified “Domains by Char”
  • Improved installer
  • Improved UI

URL Extractor 2.3
June 12, 2024 URL Extractor Version History

  • Added “Elapsed Time”
  • Added thousand separator
  • Improved UI

RegEx Extractor 2.5
June 12, 2024 RegEx Extractor Version History

  • Accelerated file scraping, matched results will be updated every second rather than instantaneously
  • Changed custom rule file location, to writable directory

Batch Translator 3.8
June 11, 2024 Batch Translator Version History

  • Default OpenAI model is now gpt-4o (omni)
  • Added “Right to left Reading order” right-click menu items

CSV Splitter 2.0
June 11, 2024 CSV Splitter Version History

  • Supported XLS and XLSX input files
  • Added “Output File Extension” setting
  • Improved settings.ini handling
  • Fixed AllowMultiSelect bug in “Select Output Folder”

Speech to Text Converter 5.1
June 9, 2024 Speech to Text Converter Version History

  • Embedded offline French language model for Vosk, in addition to English
  • Supported multiple language models for Vosk
  • Renamed Vosk “model” directory to “models”
  • Fixed encoding problem for Vosk

SEO Checker 8.7
June 8, 2024 SEO Checker Version History

  • Added “Status Code” icons in “Links” tab
  • Supported “STOP” in “Check Status Codes”
  • Improved translations

Create Image Gallery 1.8
June 8, 2024 Create Image Gallery Version History

  • Updated magnific-popup 1.2.0

Convert Video to Audio 2.2
June 7, 2024 Convert Video to Audio Version History

  • Updated FFmpeg
  • Supported AIFF, AAC, M4A, OGG, OPUS, AC3, EAC3 audio files
  • Supported F4V video files
  • Added “Audio Settings”
  • Application automatically creates non-existent output directory
  • Application remembers output directory
  • Supported command line arguments
  • Improved error detection

Random Wordlist Generator 1.4
June 7, 2024 Random Wordlist Generator Version History

  • Fixed 0-bytes issue

Batch Image Converter 1.8
June 6, 2024 Batch Image Converter Version History

  • Added “Remember Settings”

XLS to CSV Converter 2.3
June 5, 2024 XLS to CSV Converter Version History

  • Added “Preserve Multiple Line Cells” option
  • Added “Preserve Sheet Names in Filenames” option

Batch URL Downloader 5.7
June 5, 2024 Batch URL Downloader Version History

  • Removed “Log” tab
  • Added “Download Log” and “Error Log” tabs
  • Added “Clear Log” and “Copy URLs” buttons into “Download Log” and “Error Log” tabs
  • Renamed “Display Errors” to “Show Errors”

HTTP Requester 4.5
June 5, 2024 HTTP Requester Version History

  • Added “Copy URLs” and “Paste URLs” into “URL List”
  • Added “Copy URLs” into “Error Log”

Batch Image Converter 1.7
June 4, 2024 Batch Image Converter Version History

  • Supported AVIF format

HTML Stripper 1.8
June 4, 2024 HTML Stripper Version History

  • Supported command line arguments

RegEx Extractor 2.4
June 4, 2024 RegEx Extractor Version History

  • Added “Paste” button into “File List” tab
  • Added “Folder not found” and “No files have been added” error messages

HTTP Requester 4.4
June 1, 2024 HTTP Requester Version History

  • Added “Convert Results to UTF-8 Encoding” setting (in case server does not specify charset)

Speech to Text Converter 5.0
May 31, 2024 Speech to Text Converter Version History

  • Supported Vosk (offline speech to text engine)
  • Improved UI

SEO Checker 8.6
May 29, 2024 SEO Checker Version History

  • Fixed “Ignore URLs” multiple line save bug
  • Fixed some memory leaks

Batch URL Downloader 5.6
May 29, 2024 Batch URL Downloader Version History

  • Supported Google Drive links

RegEx Extractor 2.3
May 26, 2024 RegEx Extractor Version History

  • Added “Lacks” option
  • Added “Case-Sensitive” options for “Starts with”, “Ends with”, “Contains”, “Lacks”
  • Added “Change List Separator” setting
  • Supported multiple items (separated by a list separator such as comma) in “Starts with”, “Ends with”, “Contains”, “Lacks”
  • Improved UI

HTTP Requester 4.3
May 26, 2024 HTTP Requester Version History

  • Supported choosing number of threads
  • Added “Custom Headers” tab
  • Added “Remember URL List” and “Remember Custom Headers” menu items

SEO Checker 8.5
May 23, 2024 SEO Checker Version History

  • Supported OpenSSL 3.2.1
  • Supported GZIP enabled servers for OpenSSL 3

Speech to Text Converter 4.4
May 23, 2024 Speech to Text Converter Version History

  • Supported M4A audio files

Hide Files 8.5
May 23, 2024 Hide Files Version History

  • Added “Check All Items” and “Uncheck All Items” menu items for checkboxes
  • Improved “Delete Selected” and “Delete All” menu items
  • Improved translations
  • Improved UI

  • Fixed “Keep Original Creation Date” directory modified date bug

HTTP Requester 4.2
May 22, 2024 HTTP Requester Version History

  • Added “Follow Redirects” setting
  • Added “Open URL” right-click menu item
  • Added “Clear Log” button
  • Supported any file in OpenDialog
  • Delete key removes selected rows
  • Default method is GET
  • Fixed “create non-existent directory” bug
  • Fixed some RegEx bugs

  • Application copies directories without relying on Windows Shell
  • Added “Keep Original Creation Date” setting

HTTP Requester 4.1
May 21, 2024 HTTP Requester Version History

  • Added “Include URL” for RegEx
  • Improved multi-threading
  • Application checks writable directory

HTTP Requester 4.0
May 19, 2024 HTTP Requester Version History

  • Supported up to 100 million URLs
  • Improved StatusBar messages

AI Requester 2.3
May 18, 2024 AI Requester Version History

  • Default model is now gpt-4o (omni)
  • Supported loading PNG files as base64 encoded Vision Image, in addition to image URLs

Keep Software Alive 3.2
May 17, 2024 Keep Software Alive Version History

  • Improved horizontal ScrollBar

Batch URL Downloader 5.5
May 14, 2024 Batch URL Downloader Version History

  • “URL Grabber” respects “Display Errors”, “Timeout”, “User Agent”, “Zlib Compression” settings
  • Improved URL prefix detection

Vov Music Player 8.6
May 8, 2024 Vov Music Player Version History

  • Fixed pause, stop, play bug (due to tempo FX)

Vov Music Player 8.5
May 7, 2024 Vov Music Player Version History

  • Added “Tempo”, “Pitch”, “Frequency” settings into Equalizer window
  • Removed “Playback Speed” in favor of “Frequency” setting
  • Added “3D Rotation”, “Echo”, “Flanger” into Equalizer window
  • Application automatically resamples audio to create tempo FX
  • Improved UI

URL Extractor 2.2
May 7, 2024 URL Extractor Version History

  • Supported Excel files
  • Supported 1 letter domain names
  • Supported long TLDs

XLS to CSV Converter 2.2
May 7, 2024 XLS to CSV Converter Version History

  • Supported multiple worksheets

Batch Image Resizer 2.0
May 6, 2024 Batch Image Resizer Version History

  • Supported language files
  • Improved Result window
  • Improved UI

Batch Translator 3.7
May 6, 2024 Batch Translator Version History

  • Added “Auto Detect” into OpenAI

Vov Screen Recorder 4.3
May 5, 2024 Vov Screen Recorder Version History

  • Application remembers last used audio device and output directory
  • Application automatically creates output directory
  • INI file is now UTF-8 encoded

File Splitter And Joiner 2.1
May 4, 2024 File Splitter And Joiner Version History

  • Improved “Maximum File Size”

Folder Splitter 1.2
May 3, 2024 Folder Splitter Version History

  • Improved maximum folder size selection, allowing predefined floppy disk, CD, DVD, Blu-ray and FAT32 limits

Watermark Video 2.2
May 3, 2024 Watermark Video Version History

  • Application automatically creates destination directory
  • Added splitter
  • Supported folder drag and drop
  • Improved error messages

Watermark Video 2.1
May 2, 2024 Watermark Video Version History

  • Added image watermark
  • Supported F4V (Flash MP4 Video) files
  • Improved error handling

  • Added new chat models
  • Removed disabled chat models
  • Improved error handling

Create Image Gallery 1.7
May 1, 2024 Create Image Gallery Version History

  • Improved error handling

PDF Reader 5.3
May 1, 2024 PDF Reader Version History

  • Improved attachment handling

HTTP Requester 3.5
May 1, 2024 HTTP Requester Version History

  • Removed asterisks from the proxy password field

Vov Stop Start 2.0
April 30, 2024 Vov Stop Start Version History

  • Installer adds item to commonstartup instead of using schtasks
  • Administrator privileges are not required any more
  • INI file is now UTF-8 encoded
  • Added “Run as Administrator”
  • Added “Show in Explorer”
  • Added “Reset to Defaults”
  • Implemented StatusBar messages
  • Improved horizontal ScrollBar

Document Manager 1.7
April 27, 2024 Document Manager Version History

  • Fixed long path problem
  • Improved translations

Batch Translator 3.6
April 25, 2024 Batch Translator Version History

  • Supported gpt-4-turbo
  • Application condenses multi-line response from OpenAI into single line
  • Fixed OpenAI right-click PopupMenu bug

Text Edit Plus 14.6
April 25, 2024 Text Edit Plus Version History

  • Fixed “Compare Side by Side” encoding bug
  • Improved translations

HTTP Requester 3.4
April 25, 2024 HTTP Requester Version History

  • Added “Regex” (to extract text from results)
  • Supported HEAD method
  • Improved error handling

RegEx Extractor 2.2
April 23, 2024 RegEx Extractor Version History

  • Added “Elapsed Time”
  • Increased speed
  • Fixed the calculation lag (number of files and matched texts) at the end of the extraction

Batch URL Downloader 5.4
April 23, 2024 Batch URL Downloader Version History

  • Supported choosing number of threads

Speech to Subtitle Converter 1.2
April 22, 2024 Speech to Subtitle Converter Version History

  • Increased timeout

Folder Splitter 1.1
April 19, 2024 Folder Splitter Version History

  • Added “Include Subfolders”
  • Added “Split by Extension”

RegEx Extractor 2.1
April 18, 2024 RegEx Extractor Version History

  • Renamed “Examples” button to “Rules”
  • Added “Customize” menu item into “Rules” button
  • Application loads rules.txt at start

WEBP Converter 1.4
April 17, 2024 WEBP Converter Version History

  • Added quality ratio for JPEG and WEBP
  • Added JPG and JFIF output formats
  • Improved UI

AI Requester 2.2
April 16, 2024 AI Requester Version History

  • Supported GPT-4-Turbo Vision
  • Added “Please wait” StatusBar messages
  • Default model is now gpt-4-turbo

Container Loading Calculator 1.5
April 15, 2024 Container Loading Calculator Version History

  • Added copy and paste menu items
  • Improved horizontal ScrollBar
  • Improved settings.ini handling
  • Improved “Sample Values” button

Batch Image Converter 1.6
April 15, 2024 Batch Image Converter Version History

  • Added quality ratio for JPEG and WEBP
  • Supported animated GIF to animated WebP conversion

Broken Link Detector 4.1
April 15, 2024 Broken Link Detector Version History

  • Application automatically adds http prefix
  • Added “Request Timeout” status

CSV to VCF Converter 3.2
April 14, 2024 CSV to VCF Converter Version History

  • Fixed “missing rows and columns in some cases” bug
  • Improved translations

XLS to CSV Converter 2.1
April 14, 2024 XLS to CSV Converter Version History

  • Fixed “missing rows and columns in some cases” bug

Hide Files 8.4
April 14, 2024 Hide Files Version History

  • Application saves password last change datetime and displays it as a hint in the “Forgot Password” text
  • Dropped Windows XP support in installer
  • Improved translations

  • Updated installer to Inno Setup 6, which requires Windows Vista or later
  • Improved translations

Webcam Capture 3.3
April 7, 2024 Webcam Capture Version History

  • Improved StatusBar messages for “Capture Video”

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