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HTTP Requester Version History

HTTP Requester ScreenshotHTTP Requester Icon HTTP Requester Windows
Version History

Changelog for the latest releases:

This page contains the complete changelog of HTTP Requester, detailing what has changed in each version.

HTTP Requester 5.0
July 7, 2024 (PST)

  • Added OpenSSL v3
  • Supported TLS 1.3

HTTP Requester 4.6
June 20, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Delay”, which works when Multi-Threading is disabled
  • Improved proxy support
  • Fixed “No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page” error in “Convert Results to UTF-8 Encoding” option
  • Fixed proxy authentication problem
  • Improved error messages

HTTP Requester 4.5
June 5, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Copy URLs” and “Paste URLs” into “URL List”
  • Added “Copy URLs” into “Error Log”

HTTP Requester 4.4
June 1, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Convert Results to UTF-8 Encoding” setting (in case server does not specify charset)

HTTP Requester 4.3
May 27, 2024 (PST)

  • Supported choosing number of threads
  • Added “Custom Headers” tab
  • Added “Remember URL List” and “Remember Custom Headers” menu items

HTTP Requester 4.2
May 23, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Follow Redirects” setting
  • Added “Open URL” right-click menu item
  • Added “Clear Log” button
  • Supported any file in OpenDialog
  • Delete key removes selected rows
  • Default method is GET
  • Fixed “create non-existent directory” bug
  • Fixed some RegEx bugs

HTTP Requester 4.1
May 21, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Include URL” for RegEx
  • Improved multi-threading
  • Application checks writable directory

HTTP Requester 4.0
May 20, 2024 (PST)

  • Supported up to 100 million URLs
  • Improved StatusBar messages

HTTP Requester 3.5
May 2, 2024 (PST)

  • Removed asterisks from the proxy password field

HTTP Requester 3.4
April 25, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Regex” (to extract text from results)
  • Supported HEAD method
  • Improved error handling

HTTP Requester 3.3
February 4, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Select Completed Items”
  • Added “Select Failed Items”
  • “Append Results to File” automatically creates non-existent directory
  • Fixed wrong item icon bug when adding new item
  • Improved error handling

HTTP Requester 3.2
January 9, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Cookie List”
  • Added “Proxy Type”
  • Added “Remember Cookie List”
  • Added “Remember Proxy List”
  • Improved GET and POST algorithms
  • Improved UI

HTTP Requester 3.1
January 4, 2024 (PST)

  • Added “Enable Multi-Threading”
  • Added “Proxy List”
  • Added “Error Log”
  • Added “STOP” button
  • Supported drag and drop
  • Improved “Results” window
  • Improved UI

HTTP Requester 3.0
December 29, 2023 (PST)

  • Redesigned interface
  • Added option to save results to directory
  • Added option to append results to file

HTTP Requester 2.1
October 18, 2023 (PST)

  • Added “Show Errors” option
  • Added “Agent”, “Connection Timeout”, “Response Timeout” settings
  • Fixed HTTPS connection bug
  • Fixed some high-DPI issues
  • Improved UI

HTTP Requester 2.0
January 7, 2022 (PST)

  • Implemented high-DPI icons
  • Supported UTF-8 file export and import
  • Fixed connection problem for HTTPS websites

HTTP Requester 1.8
May 25, 2021 (PST)

  • Supported portable deployment
  • Online activation timeout increased to 10 seconds
  • Improved nag screen

HTTP Requester 1.7
March 30, 2020 (PST)

  • Displays connection errors
  • Improved UI

HTTP Requester 1.6
April 18, 2019 (PST)

  • Fixed bugs

HTTP Requester 1.5
November 22, 2018 (PST)

  • Fixed bugs

HTTP Requester 1.4
September 4, 2018 (PST)

  • Results form added
  • CSV separator bug fixed
  • Improved UI

HTTP Requester 1.3
June 18, 2018 (PST)

  • This version fixes some bugs

Version Evolution

We are always working to improve our software for a better user experience!

Please make sure you are up to date to avoid any known issues and to get the best of what the software has to offer!

Got an idea for future releases?

Feature Requests