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Release Notes (Page 7)

What's new?

This page includes release notes of latest Vovsoft software updates.

JSON Beautifier 1.0
October 6, 2022 JSON Beautifier Version History

  • First public release

SVG Converter 1.2
October 3, 2022 SVG Converter Version History

  • Supported HTML and PDF export
  • Added “Open with Notepad” and “Reset to Defaults” menu items
  • Default width and height are set to 512 pixels
  • Fixed width and height remember bug

Hex Viewer 1.1
October 3, 2022 Hex Viewer Version History

  • Supported drag and drop
  • Fixed some UI related bugs

XLS to CSV Converter 1.4
October 2, 2022 XLS to CSV Converter Version History

  • Application remembers source folder

Text Statistics Analyzer 3.1
September 28, 2022 Text Statistics Analyzer Version History

  • Added 2-word phrases, 3-word phrases, 4-word phrases

Batch URL Downloader 3.6
September 27, 2022 Batch URL Downloader Version History

  • Added “Download Log” tab
  • Added “Insert” menu in order to grab all Vovsoft download links (installer or portable)
  • Fixed “URL Grabber” detection issue
  • Fixed “Scheduler” interval issue
  • Implemented auto-create for save folder
  • Improved error messages

XLS to CSV Converter 1.3
September 27, 2022 XLS to CSV Converter Version History

  • Application remembers destination folder, separator and encoding
  • Added “Reset to Defaults” menu item
  • List allows multiple selection

Match Pairs 2.0
September 26, 2022 Match Pairs Version History

  • High-DPI related improvements
  • Supported Windows Aero effects
  • Update check is limited up to 5 per day

Search Text In Files 3.3
September 26, 2022 Search Text In Files Version History

  • StatusBar displays number of found files
  • Changed “Find Text” to “Search Text”
  • Added “List files where Search Text is missing” option
  • New icon

Hex Viewer 1.0
September 25, 2022 Hex Viewer Version History

  • First public release

Serial Port Monitor 1.3
September 24, 2022 Serial Port Monitor Version History

  • Supported parity bits (even, odd, mark, space)
  • Supported flow control options

Text to MP3 Converter 2.2
September 24, 2022 Text to MP3 Converter Version History

  • Added speech animations
  • Fixed some tab related issues

Compare Two Lists 1.4
September 23, 2022 Compare Two Lists Version History

  • Faster loading files
  • “Sort When Loading” option is enabled by default
  • Added “Save” buttons for each input list

VCF to XLS Converter 2.1
September 22, 2022 VCF to XLS Converter Version History

  • Improved VCF recognition
  • Improved translations

Vov Sticky Notes 8.1
September 19, 2022 Vov Sticky Notes Version History

  • Supported increase/decrease font size using mouse wheel
  • Improved icon
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 11.4
September 19, 2022 Text Edit Plus Version History

  • Improved memory usage
  • Improved translations

Vov Music Player 5.8
September 18, 2022 Vov Music Player Version History

  • Application saves current position of playing file when computer is shutting down
  • Application saves current position of playing file when audio device is changing
  • Improved error messages

Speech to Text Converter 2.1
September 18, 2022 Speech to Text Converter Version History

  • Added hint image to “Continuous Dictation”
  • Improved error messages
  • Improved UI

Speech to Text Converter 2.0
September 15, 2022 Speech to Text Converter Version History

  • Added “Continuous Dictation” tab
  • Implemented “No speech detected” dialog
  • Improved UI

Keystroke Visualizer 2.2
September 14, 2022 Keystroke Visualizer Version History

  • Application detects current keyboard language
  • Implemented AltGr key
  • Implemented STRG key for German keyboard (instead of CTRL)
  • Fixed “backtick character” problem
  • Fixed ALT key related problem

Bulk Domain Appraisal 2.5
September 14, 2022 Bulk Domain Appraisal Version History

  • Improved UI
  • Implemented SaveDialog overwrite prompt

SEO Checker 6.4
September 13, 2022 SEO Checker Version History

  • Added “Categories” tab
  • In “Links” tab, “Type” column (Internal or External) is displayed in “Link” list, instead of “Source URL” list
  • Threading related improvements
  • Improved translations

Image Combiner 1.4
September 11, 2022 Image Combiner Version History

  • Fixed “Access violation” error in trial mode

Hide Files 7.8
September 10, 2022 Hide Files Version History

  • Improved icon
  • Improved translations

VCF to TXT Converter 2.2
September 9, 2022 VCF to TXT Converter Version History

  • Supported UTF-16 encoding
  • New icon
  • Improved translations

SVG Converter 1.1
September 8, 2022 SVG Converter Version History

  • Supported WEBP and JPG export
  • Removed SendTo shortcut from installer

Compare Two Lists 1.3
September 8, 2022 Compare Two Lists Version History

  • Deployed as 64-bit executable
  • Implemented virtual listviews that can display up to 100,000,000 lines
  • Improved comparison algorithm

Domain Checker 7.5
September 4, 2022 Domain Checker Version History

  • Fixed “Save List to File” bug
  • Implemented SaveDialog overwrite prompt
  • Updated example domain names

SVG Converter 1.0
September 1, 2022 SVG Converter Version History

  • First public release

CSV to VCF Converter 1.7
August 31, 2022 CSV to VCF Converter Version History

  • Improved CSV separator
  • Fixed some high-DPI issues
  • Improved UI

Domain Checker 7.4
August 30, 2022 Domain Checker Version History

  • Application extracts URLs
  • Fixed status column bug

SEO Checker 6.3
August 29, 2022 SEO Checker Version History

  • Added “Show Links” menu item into “Internal URLs” tab
  • Improved translations
  • Improved UI

PDF Reader 2.9
August 29, 2022 PDF Reader Version History

  • Supported /disableprint and /disablesave command line arguments

Video to Photos 1.4
August 29, 2022 Video to Photos Version History

  • 64-bit related improvements
  • Improved UI

PDF Reader 2.8
August 27, 2022 PDF Reader Version History

  • Added “Big Icons” menu item

Keyboard Lights 4.8
August 27, 2022 Keyboard Lights Version History

  • Separated ON and OFF sounds

CSV Splitter 1.8
August 25, 2022 CSV Splitter Version History

  • Improved encoding support
  • Added “Auto Detect” for input encoding
  • Application automatically disables “Count Input Lines” if input file is larger than 100MB
  • Application automatically creates output directory if it doesn’t exist
  • Improved UI

  • Signed with code signing certificate
  • Added “Open File”, “Open File Location”, “Open with Notepad” menu items
  • Fixed some high-DPI issues
  • Improved UI

CPU Monitor Gadget 1.6
August 24, 2022 CPU Monitor Gadget Version History

  • Improved “Stay On Top”
  • Clicking system tray icon brings the application on top of everything

Text Edit Plus 11.3
August 24, 2022 Text Edit Plus Version History

  • Added “Auto Paste When Clipboard Changes” menu item
  • Added new syntax highlighters (BAT, INI, Inno Setup Script, Unix Shell Script, Unreal Engine Script)
  • Tabs remember syntax
  • Added “Close” menu item
  • Fixed tab close bug
  • Fixed “Delete After” bug
  • Fixed “Access Violation” errors when opening multiple files
  • Improved error messages
  • “runwith.txt” is now UTF-8 encoded

Image Combiner 1.3
August 24, 2022 Image Combiner Version History

  • Added “Duplicate” menu item

Text Edit Plus 11.2
August 19, 2022 Text Edit Plus Version History

  • Improved loading files using command line parameters
  • Fixed drag and drop related bug
  • Fixed reopen related bug
  • Fixed scaling problem of tab caption font
  • Ctrl+N opens new tab, instead of new window

Vov Music Player 5.7
August 19, 2022 Vov Music Player Version History

  • Fixed “visualizer makes the window blank if paused” bug
  • Fixed tab order in list window

Domain Checker 7.3
August 19, 2022 Domain Checker Version History

  • Fixed “Expiry Date” related bug

Domain Checker 7.2
August 16, 2022 Domain Checker Version History

  • Added “Expiry Date” column
  • Fixed loading dots problem
  • Application automatically trims domains names
  • Double click opens whois window
  • Implemented loading cursor in whois window
  • Updated retired Alexa menu item
  • Updated whois server list
  • Improved UI

Text Edit Plus 11.1
August 15, 2022 Text Edit Plus Version History

  • Supported multiple tabs
  • Fixed form close bug

Text to MP3 Converter 2.1
August 13, 2022 Text to MP3 Converter Version History

  • Supported multiple tabs

Time Sync 2.3
August 13, 2022 Time Sync Version History

  • Updated server list
  • Added “Reset to Defaults” menu item
  • Improved error messages
  • Implemented loading cursor
  • Fixed some high-DPI issues
  • Improved translations

SEO Checker 6.2
August 13, 2022 SEO Checker Version History

  • Supported href attributes without quotation marks
  • Supported href attributes with backslash double quote
  • Added “Copy Anchor Text” menu item
  • Fixed mailto bug
  • Added “Audit Messages” button
  • Fixed CSV export bug
  • Improved error messages
  • Updated User-Agent Strings
  • Improved translations

CSV to SQL Converter 2.0
August 10, 2022 CSV to SQL Converter Version History

  • Improved conversion

File Checksum Calculator 2.0
August 10, 2022 File Checksum Calculator Version History

  • Supported CRC-32
  • Lowercase/Uppercase option displays bullet instead of tick
  • “Export to file” doesn’t write UTF-8 BOM
  • Improved UI

  • Added “Scheduled Task”
  • INI file is now UTF-8 encoded
  • Status-bar indicates administrator privileges
  • Improved UI
  • Improved translations

Voice Changer 1.1
August 8, 2022 Voice Changer Version History

  • File list includes icons and grid lines
  • Supported drag and drop
  • Implemented loading cursor
  • Added right-click popup-menu
  • Supported adding multiple audio files
  • Improved UI

URL Extractor 1.5
August 6, 2022 URL Extractor Version History

  • INI file is now UTF-8 encoded

Cryptocurrency Tracker 1.6
August 5, 2022 Cryptocurrency Tracker Version History

  • Improved “Coins” window
  • Supported GZIP connection
  • Default cryptocurrency is Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Default day is 365
  • Fixed “Reset to Defaults”
  • Removed Terra (LUNA) from default list
  • INI file is now UTF-8 encoded
  • Improved error messages

Search Text In Files 3.2
August 5, 2022 Search Text In Files Version History

  • Improved thread and GUI relationship
  • INI file is now UTF-8 encoded

URL Extractor 1.4
August 4, 2022 URL Extractor Version History

  • Application can read files in use
  • Included Xpdf
  • Improved domain name detection
  • Improved UI
  • Fixed some high-DPI issues

Keyboard Lights 4.7
August 1, 2022 Keyboard Lights Version History

  • Added “Enable” menu item
  • Fixed key-press glitch
  • Fixed “Always on top” bug
  • Improved UI
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 11.0
July 28, 2022 Text Edit Plus Version History

  • Supported UTF-16 encoding
  • Application automatically detects byte order marks
  • “Set as Default Encoding” is only functional when saving files
  • Added Insert - Clipboard menu items
  • Fixed Insert - Multiple Files menu item
  • Implemented thousand separator when displaying filesize in bytes
  • Classic text engine warns before opening file bigger than 1 MB
  • Improved translations

Bulk Barcode Generator 1.0
July 27, 2022 Bulk Barcode Generator Version History

  • First public release

Compare Two Lists 1.2
July 25, 2022 Compare Two Lists Version History

  • Supported drag and drop
  • Added “Ignore Whitespace”
  • Displays line counts
  • Improved UI

VCF to CSV Converter 3.5
July 25, 2022 VCF to CSV Converter Version History

  • Better VCF recognition
  • Improved translations

Text Decoder And Encoder 1.6
July 25, 2022 Text Decoder And Encoder Version History

  • Added “Remove Null Characters” menu item
  • Improved UI

Prevent Computer Sleep 1.0
July 25, 2022 Prevent Computer Sleep Version History

  • First public release

Speech to Text Converter 1.5
July 24, 2022 Speech to Text Converter Version History

  • Supported next-generation language models
  • Fixed “file in use” problem
  • Implemented gradient toolbar

Batch Image Resizer 1.4
July 23, 2022 Batch Image Resizer Version History

  • Added ability to resize to multiple dimensions at once
  • Next button beeps if no image file is added

Delete Multiple Files 1.6
July 22, 2022 Delete Multiple Files Version History

  • Fixed UTF-8 related problem
  • Implemented loading cursor while opening delete.exe

Auto Change Screensavers 1.5
July 22, 2022 Auto Change Screensavers Version History

  • Application displays file icons
  • Added “Simulate ESC Key” and “Simulate Mouse Move”
  • Added “Screensaver Settings”
  • Added “Add Folder”
  • Added “Clear”, “Load from File” and “Export to File”
  • Improved “Set: Selected Screensaver”
  • Fixed some high-DPI issues

Text Edit Plus 10.8
July 21, 2022 Text Edit Plus Version History

  • Fixed “Always on Top” issues in “Split Lines” menu items
  • Fixed “Separate by String”
  • Improved “Change Line Spacing” window
  • Improved translations

SEO Checker 6.1
July 20, 2022 SEO Checker Version History

  • Added H3 and H4 tabs
  • Supported GZIP enabled servers
  • Added “Export Report to PDF” button
  • Fixed SEO Audit select bug
  • Improved memory usage
  • Improved CSV export
  • Improved translations
  • Improved UI

File Checksum Calculator 1.9
July 18, 2022 File Checksum Calculator Version History

  • Added “Export to file” menu item

Filename Lister 4.1
July 17, 2022 Filename Lister Version History

  • “Copy to Clipboard” copies the text shown

Merge Multiple Folders 1.1
July 15, 2022 Merge Multiple Folders Version History

  • Added “Preserve folder structure” and “Merge all files with root of target folder” options
  • Only directories are allowed in drag and drop
  • Improved UI

Merge Multiple Folders 1.0
July 14, 2022 Merge Multiple Folders Version History

  • First public release

Filename Lister 4.0
July 13, 2022 Filename Lister Version History

  • Added “Find” menu item into “Select” menu
  • Added “Rename” menu item
  • Fixed “Hide Initial Path” and “Hide File Extension” bugs
  • Implemented loading icon
  • Improved UI

Search Text In Files 3.1
July 13, 2022 Search Text In Files Version History

  • Implemented virtual listview that can display up to 100,000,000 lines
  • Updated Xpdf
  • Xpdf can only be activated if operating system is Windows 7 or later
  • Fixed crash problem for some PDF files
  • Fixed thread related GUI glitch
  • Implemented loading icon
  • Improved UI

Video to Photos 1.3
July 7, 2022 Video to Photos Version History

  • Added “Input Seeking” and “Round Image Durations” options
  • Fixed toolbar bug

Batch URL Downloader 3.5
July 6, 2022 Batch URL Downloader Version History

  • Added toolbar
  • Allowed up to 200 characters while converting URL to filename
  • Supported loading files using drag and drop
  • Improved error messages

Delete Multiple Files 1.5
July 5, 2022 Delete Multiple Files Version History

  • Operation files support file masks
  • Supported loading files using command line parameters
  • Fixed some “Stay on Top” related issues
  • Improved UI
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 10.7
July 1, 2022 Text Edit Plus Version History

  • Fixed “Always on Top” related issues
  • Updated text analysis
  • Improved “Insert Numbers”
  • Improved “Delete Chars”
  • Improved “Delete Unnecessary Lines”
  • Improved “Even Numbered Lines” and “Odd Numbered Lines” menus
  • Opening large files automatically disables spell checker
  • Implemented loading icon while opening files
  • Fixed SynEdit line count bug

Vov Sticky Notes 8.0
June 30, 2022 Vov Sticky Notes Version History

  • Application remembers exact form positions supporting multiple monitors with high-DPI awareness
  • Invisible or almost invisible notes are centered at application startup (to avoid losing sticky notes after disconnecting an external monitor)
  • “Export to File” doesn’t include deleted notes
  • “Import from File” supports displaying image notes
  • Fixed some high-DPI issues
  • Improved UI
  • Improved translations

Text Statistics Analyzer 3.0
June 28, 2022 Text Statistics Analyzer Version History

  • Added “Pie Chart”
  • Fixed empty percentage bug
  • Fixed over 100 percentage bug
  • Added thousand separator
  • Implemented loading icon
  • Implemented beep after finish
  • New icon
  • Fixed some high-DPI issues
  • Improved UI

Video to Photos 1.2
June 26, 2022 Video to Photos Version History

  • Supported JPEG quality ratio
  • Included ffprobe.exe
  • Applications displays video lengths
  • Implemented automatic seek to desired seconds, instead of analyzing every frame
  • Default output directory is in the Desktop
  • Implemented automatic output directory creation
  • Application checks for write permission before starting the process
  • Improved error messages
  • Fixed some high-DPI issues

Health Break Reminder 1.1
June 25, 2022 Health Break Reminder Version History

  • Alt+F4 closes application, instead of minimizing to system tray
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 10.6
June 22, 2022 Text Edit Plus Version History

  • Supported Ukrainian language
  • Added “Copy Highlighted Lines” and “Delete Highlighted Lines”
  • Improved Reopen menu
  • Added “Clear File History”
  • Added “Extra Line Spacing”

Desktop Diary 1.4
June 21, 2022 Desktop Diary Version History

  • Added “Export to HTML” menu item into Backup menu
  • Improved UI

Keep Software Alive 2.0
June 20, 2022 Keep Software Alive Version History

  • “Process List” hides duplicates
  • “Running Services” button requires administrator privileges
  • Implemented loading icon
  • Improved UI

Broken Link Detector 3.1
June 20, 2022 Broken Link Detector Version History

  • Implemented high-DPI icons
  • Fixed uppercase http bug
  • Fixed domain name bug
  • Implemented loading cursor
  • Added “Reset to Defaults” menu item
  • Increased memory limit
  • Implemented new application icon

CSV Splitter 1.7
June 16, 2022 CSV Splitter Version History

  • Supported splitting file using command line parameters
  • Installer adds “SendTo” shortcut

Website Spell Checker 1.0
June 15, 2022 Website Spell Checker Version History

  • First public release

SEO Checker 6.0
June 13, 2022 SEO Checker Version History

  • Improved UI
  • Multi-line tabs
  • Supported language files

Hide Files 7.7
June 12, 2022 Hide Files Version History

  • Added “Reset Registry” menu item
  • Increased the theoretical limit of number of files
  • Implemented auto-increment for existing db files
  • Fixed network drive long directory issue
  • Fixed uppercase and lowercase UTF-8 issue

Vov Screen Recorder 3.7
June 9, 2022 Vov Screen Recorder Version History

  • Added “Highlight mouse pointer”
  • Improved translations

Text Edit Plus 10.5
June 8, 2022 Text Edit Plus Version History

  • Implemented “Convert Numbers To Text”
  • Fixed “Update Available window crashes FindDialog and ReplaceDialog”
  • Fixed extract text bug
  • Updated “Spell Checker”
  • Improved translations

Vov Sticky Notes 7.9
June 6, 2022 Vov Sticky Notes Version History

  • Improved “Note Window Margin” behavior
  • Improved right-click PopupMenus
  • Fixed some high-DPI issues
  • Fixed “Change Theme” bug

PDF Reader 2.7
June 4, 2022 PDF Reader Version History

  • Updated to chromium/5052
  • Fixed “SaveAs doesn’t change FormModified property”
  • Fixed “FullScreen doesn’t set focus to the active document”

CSV to JSON Converter 1.0
June 3, 2022 CSV to JSON Converter Version History

  • First public release

Image Combiner 1.2
June 1, 2022 Image Combiner Version History

  • Added “Grid Layout” setting
  • Supported saving as PNG, JPG, GIF
  • Deployed as 64-bit executable
  • Added “Select” menu
  • StatusBar displays number of images
  • Fixed some memory leaks

Hide Files 7.6
May 30, 2022 Hide Files Version History

  • Fixed “No Item Selected” bug
  • Improved translations

Dummy File Generator 1.5
May 30, 2022 Dummy File Generator Version History

  • Fixed “non-existent folder” bug
  • Fixed “negative file size” bug

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