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VCF to CSV Converter Version History

VCF to CSV Converter ScreenshotVCF to CSV Converter Icon VCF to CSV Converter Windows
Version History

Changelog for the latest releases:

This page contains the complete changelog of VCF to CSV Converter, detailing what has changed in each version.

VCF to CSV Converter 4.3
March 20, 2024 (PST)

  • Supported 8BIT encoding
  • Improved translations

VCF to CSV Converter 4.2
October 28, 2023 (PST)

  • Load button displays total number of vCards, not VCF files

VCF to CSV Converter 4.1
August 22, 2023 (PST)

  • Improved translations

VCF to CSV Converter 4.0
March 7, 2023 (PST)

  • Supported multi-line notes in “Outlook CSV Format”
  • Improved encoding selection in “Excel CSV Format” depending on installed Excel version
  • Fixed encoding detection bug

VCF to CSV Converter 3.9
March 3, 2023 (PST)

  • Supported long notes
  • Implemented automatic encoding detection
  • Supported Vietnamese language

VCF to CSV Converter 3.8
December 12, 2022 (PST)

  • Supported Yahoo CSV format
  • Supported multiple email addresses

VCF to CSV Converter 3.7
October 31, 2022 (PST)

  • Fixed encoding problem
  • Improved translations

VCF to CSV Converter 3.6
October 11, 2022 (PST)

  • Implemented empty file detection
  • New icon
  • Improved translations

VCF to CSV Converter 3.5
July 26, 2022 (PST)

  • Better VCF recognition
  • Improved translations

VCF to CSV Converter 3.4
April 28, 2022 (PST)

  • Supported UTF-16 encoding
  • Supported Excel CSV format
  • Improved translations

VCF to CSV Converter 3.3
December 14, 2021 (PST)

  • Supported Google CSV and Outlook CSV formats for hassle-free contacts import
  • Multi-thread support
  • Added progress bar
  • Implemented column width
  • Improved translations

VCF to CSV Converter 3.2
August 3, 2021 (PST)

  • Improved translations

VCF to CSV Converter 3.1
March 23, 2021 (PST)

  • Implemented multiple phone number recognition (cell, work, home)
  • Improved translations

VCF to CSV Converter 3.0
March 16, 2021 (PST)

  • Better VCF recognition
  • Improved translations
  • Improved UI

VCF to CSV Converter 2.9
February 11, 2021 (PST)

  • Improved translations

VCF to CSV Converter 2.8
November 29, 2020 (PST)

  • Improved translations

VCF to CSV Converter 2.7
August 21, 2020 (PST)

  • Improved translation files
  • Improved feedback form
  • “Sort” checkbox is correctly displayed if translated

VCF to CSV Converter 2.6
August 4, 2020 (PST)

  • Improved UI
  • Supported portable deployment
  • Optimized for high-DPI monitors

VCF to CSV Converter 2.5
June 12, 2020 (PST)

  • Improved perception

VCF to CSV Converter 2.4
June 4, 2020 (PST)

  • Ability to load very long files completely
  • Added “Sort” checkbox
  • Mouse cursor changes while application is busy
  • Improved UI

VCF to CSV Converter 2.3
April 23, 2020 (PST)

  • Included “Header” option in order to comply with Google Contacts
  • Header option works in Trial Mode

VCF to CSV Converter 2.2
February 23, 2020 (PST)

  • Supported VCard 4 format

VCF to CSV Converter 2.1
November 18, 2019 (PST)

  • Better VCF recognition

VCF to CSV Converter 2.0
May 3, 2019 (PST)

  • Improved email information extraction

VCF to CSV Converter 1.9
November 27, 2018 (PST)

  • Fixed a bug related drag and drop
  • Emails and notes inside VCF files are now grabbed

VCF to CSV Converter 1.8
November 21, 2018 (PST)

  • Fixed bugs

VCF to CSV Converter 1.7
September 4, 2018 (PST)

  • Multiple VCF files allowed
  • Drag and drop supported

VCF to CSV Converter 1.6
August 6, 2018 (PST)

  • UTF-8 support added
  • Conversion engine renewed

VCF to CSV Converter 1.5
June 18, 2018 (PST)

  • This version fixes some bugs

Version Evolution

We are always working to improve our software for a better user experience!

Please make sure you are up to date to avoid any known issues and to get the best of what the software has to offer!

Got an idea for future releases?

Feature Requests