Very nice software
for Open Multiple Files
Very cute and simple (good) program
Anonymous User
for Podcast Downloader
Thanks! Great and necessary thing. Especially when you have Windows 10.
for Prevent Disk Sleep
Full of useful functions that can sometimes be very helpful in text manipulations. Nice little program. I’ll keep it.
for Text Edit Plus
I have installed Hide Files on my PC (Windows 10 Pro). It is very useful to hide any Files or Folders that i want. Thank you so much.
for Hide Files
I like it! This is an excellent little application, very functional.
for Vov System Uptime
I like it! It is very helpful to take care of my health!!!
Anonymous User
for Health Break Reminder
It does what it describes and does it very well.
for Vov Alpha Blend
Anyone interested in releasing new websites will benefit from this utility, as it allows one to check for domain availability. The ability to batch process multiple entries makes it a worthwhile tool, more-so when several options are being considered for the future site. The application features an efficiency-geared GUI that allows one to quickly generate simple or advanced scans.
Mircea Saveanu
for Domain Checker
I was looking for such a solution, good program.
for Copy Files Into Multiple Folders
I already have purchased this, few weeks back. And its a good choice to make a purchase and use the future upgrades as well. Great software.
for Copy Files Into Multiple Folders
Very handy program compared to others. This program is simple, flexible. It’s easy to work with. THANK YOU
V. Antropov
for Hide Files
So nice.
Chanchal Shah
for Webcam Capture
It does have the ability to calculate folder size which is missing from Explorer.
for Filename Lister
Useful for those with websites that want to check for errors in links.
for Broken Link Detector
Very nice app.
for Vov System Uptime
I like the option to change the style in this program. The Dark style proved to be best for my eyes.
for Read Mode
It worked (no virus soo far)
Oliver Sørensen
for Copy Files Into Multiple Folders
It is a nice editor and I like it very much. Very clean interface with very nice features.
Anonymous User
for Text Edit Plus
Worked great...
Anonymous User
for Burn Studio
Hi, this program is good. Thanks a lot.
Anonymous User
for VCF to CSV Converter
Thx for your good program...
Anonymous User
for Keyboard Lights
LOVE your system uptime.
Bob L.
for Vov System Uptime
It’s a nice utility.
Peter E.
for Password Generator
I liked the program
for Filename Lister
Very cool app :)
Anonymous User
for Keyboard Lights
A file was full of nuisance footnotes, surely several hundred. Then...I noticed the Text Edit Plus had an option to delete characters 0-9. Excellent!
Anonymous User
for Text Edit Plus
Satisfied. Getting latest version.
Sudipto B.
for Webcam Capture
Seems to function well. Will watch.
Tom T.
for Time Sync
Thank you very much! The program is undoubtedly good.
Anonymous User
for Text Edit Plus
Very good thanks for free.
Anonymous User
for Vov Screen Recorder
Very useful program. Got it from Giveaway of the day. Thank you.
for Vov Sticky Notes
I just installed it, and it takes 3.5 megs of ram. Also, the minute you close it, it releases that ram. I consider that to be ok, and I’ll use it, as I found problems with NoSleepHD that I’ve used for years, while trying to use it with Windows 10.
for Prevent Disk Sleep
On the whole I like. Many things, including layout of menu and toolbar. I like ability to use RTL languages as in Notepad.
Anonymous User
for Text Edit Plus
Great little app...
Anonymous User
for Vov Sticky Notes
Many thanks for a great and very useful givaway.
Pete N.
for Vov Sticky Notes
I love this application. The only suggestion I have is could you please add dividers between the months on the calendar.
Anonymous User
for Desktop Diary
Quite nice and useful software. Happy to buy in the near future.
Anonymous User
for Vov Sticky Notes
Hi. Just started using your program VovSoft and it does everything I want so far. Simple and easy. Thanks for the work. Have purchased this program joyfully!
Ian R.
for Copy Files Into Multiple Folders
As it stands as an app, it does what it says on the lable! It’s quick, simple and not over featured. I like it. A couple of tweaks and it will be perfect.
for Vov Sticky Notes
I like these notes a lot.
Dave M.
for Vov Sticky Notes
I like it - works fine on Windows 10, 64 bits. Better than Windows version, as it goes down on the task bar.
for Vov Sticky Notes
Been looking for a reminder software, found nothing satisfactory. This looks perfect thanks Vov.
for Vov Sticky Notes
Excellent, thank you Vov and GAOTD.
for Vov Sticky Notes
The biggest advantage of Vov Sticky Notes over the Windows Sticky Notes is that you can add reminders to these notes. I like that feature and will be using them, mostly for that.
for Vov Sticky Notes
Seems to be a very nice programme, very useful, neat, allows settings (font, colours, background) also allows me to use RTL language with diacriticals which to me is very useful. I like it very much. Thank you.
Anonymous User
for Vov Sticky Notes
Good software, but need more options.
for Vov Screen Recorder
It is very simple and it is nice software because it does not display advertisements.
Anonymous User
for Password Generator
It has great functionality.
Anonymous User
for Time Sync
Worth downloading.
Anonymous User
for Keyboard Lights