Vovsoft SEO Checker is a website analyzer and SEO audit tool for Microsoft Windows. On this page, you can find the SEO audit messages the software may display during SEO check.
All web pages should return 2XX (usually 200) or 3XX (redirection) HTTP response status codes. 4XX (usually 404) and 5XX (usually 500) codes mean something is wrong with the web page.
-1 | Connection Error |
100 | Continue |
101 | Switching protocols |
102 | Processing |
103 | Early Hints |
200 | OK |
201 | Created |
202 | Accepted |
203 | Non-Authoritative Information |
204 | No Content |
205 | Reset Content |
206 | Partial Content |
207 | Multi-Status |
208 | Already Reported |
226 | IM Used |
300 | Multiple Choices |
301 | Moved Permanently |
302 | Found (Previously "Moved Temporarily") |
303 | See Other |
304 | Not Modified |
305 | Use Proxy |
306 | Switch Proxy |
307 | Temporary Redirect |
308 | Permanent Redirect |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
402 | Payment Required |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
405 | Method Not Allowed |
406 | Not Acceptable |
407 | Proxy Authentication Required |
408 | Request Timeout |
409 | Conflict |
410 | Gone |
411 | Length Required |
412 | Precondition Failed |
413 | Payload Too Large |
414 | URI Too Long |
415 | Unsupported Media Type |
416 | Range Not Satisfiable |
417 | Expectation Failed |
418 | I'm a Teapot 🫖 |
421 | Misdirected Request |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
423 | Locked |
424 | Failed Dependency |
425 | Too Early |
426 | Upgrade Required |
428 | Precondition Required |
429 | Too Many Requests |
431 | Request Header Fields Too Large |
451 | Unavailable For Legal Reasons |
500 | Internal Server Error |
501 | Not Implemented |
502 | Bad Gateway |
503 | Service Unavailable |
504 | Gateway Timeout |
505 | HTTP Version Not Supported |
506 | Variant Also Negotiates |
507 | Insufficient Storage |
508 | Loop Detected |
510 | Not Extended |
511 | Network Authentication Required |
523 | Origin Is Unreachable |
Content length is too long. It's possible that the response is a binary file rather than HTML. We recommend keeping the content length below 10 MB.
Depth of the page from the start page (number of "clicks" away from the start page). If a web page is too deep, it is harder to get to that page. We recommend a maximum crawl depth of 3.
Every page should include unique value to users. So every web page should have different META description.
Meta descriptions can technically be any length, but Google generally truncates snippets to ~155-160 characters. It's best to keep meta descriptions long enough that they're sufficiently descriptive, so we recommend descriptions no longer than 160 characters.
Meta descriptions can technically be any length, but Google generally truncates snippets to ~155-160 characters. It's best to keep meta descriptions long enough that they're sufficiently descriptive, so we recommend descriptions no shorter than 50 characters.
Meta descriptions should not be empty as they help improve click-through rates, provide context, allow for better optimization, and prevent search engines from generating their own snippet.
Every page should include unique value to users. So every web page should have different contents.
Every page should include unique value to users. So every web page should have a different H1 tag.
Best practices say titles should be between 40 to 60 characters so you can fit in the most keywords. However, when you start to reach the 50-60 keyword range, your click-through rate can start to decrease. As a result, try to stick to the 30-40 character range.
Every web page should have an H1 tag as it helps search engines and users understand the main topic and purpose of the page.
All web pages should load as fast as possible. If loading time is long, your internet connection or web server is very slow. Reducing file size of the web page may help.
Avoid using multiple H1 tags on a single web page. In HTML, the H1 tag is meant to represent the main heading of the page and carries the highest level of importance in terms of document structure. Using multiple H1 tags can confuse search engines and screen readers, as they rely on these tags to understand the hierarchical structure of your content.
Every page should include unique value to users. So every web page should have different HTML title.
Google has recently increased the length of titles in their search engine results pages (SERPs) from 50-60 characters to approximately 70 characters, provided that the length of title tag content should not exceed 600 pixels.
An HTML title should not be empty as it is a crucial element for search engines and website visitors to understand the content and purpose of the page.
The maximum length of a URL in the address bar is 2048 characters. However, the successful processing of extra-long links by the browser doesn't mean that a search robot will be able to process them too. The appropriate page URL is 80 characters long. Search engines prefer short URL's.
A higher word count helps Google better understand what your text is about. And, generally speaking, Google tends to rank longer articles higher. We advise writing more than 300 words for regular posts or pages.