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How to Extract Text using Text Edit Plus

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Date Last updated 4 years ago
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Text Edit Plus includes built-in text extraction feature. Use the menu Tools -> Extract Text...

Extract Text Commands

1) $GETURL[url]
This command inserts the content of the web page given by the parameter URL.

This command inserts the human readable content of the web page given by the parameter URL.

This command inserts the words from human readable content of the web page given by the parameter URL.

4) $GETLINE[line_number]
This command extracts the line given by the parameter line_number.

5) $GETPARTOFLINE1[line_number;start_text,stop_text]
This command extracts the part of the line given by the parameters line_number, start_text and stop_text.
If the parameter line_number is 0, then the command is applied to all of the lines.
Let 'Here is a test line' is a line #10.
is a test

6) $GETPARTOFLINE2[line_number;start_position,stop_position]
This command extracts the part of the line given by the parameters line_number, start_position and stop_position.
If the parameter line_number is 0, then the command is applied to all of the lines.
Let 'Here is a test line' is a line #10.
ere is a te

7) $GETPARTOFLINE3[line_number;start_position,stop_text]
This command extracts the part of the line given by the parameters line_number, start_position and stop_text.
If the parameter line_number is 0, then the command is applied to all of the lines.
Let 'Here is a test line' is a line #10.
ere is a test

8) $GETPARTOFLINE4[line_number;start_text,stop_position]
This command extracts the part of the line given by the parameters line_number, start_text and stop_position.
If the parameter line_number is 0, then the command is applied to all of the lines.
Let 'Here is a test line' is a line #10.
is a te

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Fatih Ramazan Çıkan
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Fatih Ramazan Çıkan LinkedIn
Software development enthusiast | Electronics engineer

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Comments Responses (2)

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May 19, 2022 at 11:53 am (PST) | Reply
Try this please Menu -> Tools -> Extract Text $GETPARTOFLINE1[0;is,line] Guess what happens if there are many lines!
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Vovsoft Support
Jun 1, 2022 at 11:16 am (PST) | Reply
Hi Andreas.
If line parameter is 0, the application tries to extract every line. The next version will suppress error messages (if any) when line parameter is 0. Thanks for the heads-up.

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