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How to Use Subtitle Translator

Home » Blog Posts » How to Use Subtitle Translator
Date Last updated 2 months ago
Rated 3.9 / 5 (14 reviews)

Vovsoft Subtitle Translator supports offline and online translation engines:

  • Argos Translate is an offline translation library
  • Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services API is an online service which can translate up to 2,000,000 characters per month for free
⚠️ Microsoft Azure may require a valid credit card for registration and may not be available in some countries such as China and Taiwan.

👉 How to configure Argos Translate

Argos Translate is a translation library that works offline, supporting 30+ languages. Translations you make with Argos Translate may be slow because it uses your computer's hardware resources. Additionally, the translation quality is not as good as online APIs.

Argos Translate requires Python installation. We recommend Python 3.8.6 to avoid library incompatibilities.

After installing Python on your Windows computer, restart Vovsoft Subtitle Translator. When you click the "Translate" button for the first time, the software will automatically install the base library, requiring approximately 1GB of storage on your computer. Additionally, the software will automatically download the language packs as needed.

👉 How to get Microsoft Azure API Key and API Region

In order to get your Microsoft Azure API key and API Region, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to https://portal.azure.com and create your Microsoft Azure account for free.
  2. Click Create a resource.
  3. Choose Cognitive Services.
  4. After you created your Translator Service, your credentials can be found in Keys and Endpoint page: KEY1, KEY2 (any one of the keys should work) and Location/Region fields

👉 How to get IBM Cloud API Key and API URL

⚠️ Unfortunately, as of 2025, IBM has permanently discontinued the "Language Translator" service. The information below is retained for historical reference.

In order to get your API key and API URL, please follow the steps:

  1. Go to https://cloud.ibm.com/registration and create your IBM Cloud account for free.
    Please Note: If you get this error message "Your account cannot be created at this time", use your Gmail email address. It seems like IBM Watson doesn't like some email providers. So, if you have any such problems, just use another email address.
  2. Go to https://cloud.ibm.com/catalog/services/language-translator and create your Language Translator Lite Plan instance.
  3. Go to https://cloud.ibm.com/resources; under AI / Machine Learning tab, click on your Language Translator instance. Your credentials (API key and URL) will be displayed in Manage page.

IBM Cloud Credentials

You have your IBM Cloud credentials for Language Translator service now. You can run Vovsoft Subtitle Translator and enter your API key and API URL into the Settings. After these steps, Vovsoft Subtitle Translator should be ready to translate subtitles.

Subtitle Translator Settings Panel

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Fatih Ramazan Çıkan
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Software development enthusiast | Electronics engineer

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Comments Responses (12)

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Sep 26, 2023 at 06:16 am (PST) | Reply
Trop compliqué ,en plus on ne nous previent pas au début avant de telecharger le logiciel que des clés sont obligé et des inscriptions ! Bref désinstaller ,mieux vaut google dans ce cas .

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Apr 16, 2023 at 04:05 am (PST) | Reply
L'idée de traduire des sous-titres est bonne au départ, mais être obligé de créer un compte chez Microsoft ou IBM avec obligation de mettre sa carte bancaire et ce même pour un compte gratuit pour la validation devient décevant pour l'utilisation de ce logiciel. Pourquoi n'avoir pas utilisé les ressources de Google Translate.
Après avoir essayé Subtitle Translator et essayé de créer des comptes Microsoft ou IBM sans résultats et qu'il n'y a pas d'autres possibilitées, je vais tout simplement désinstaller le logiciel à cause de ça.

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Jaroslav Jay Hampl
Jan 19, 2023 at 02:51 am (PST) | Reply
I can't get the key according to the described steps, but I managed to do that after wandering around the cloud.IBM.com website for a while (on the page https://cloud.ibm.com/iam/apikeys press blue button create+), but I can't find the required API URL anywhere
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Vovsoft Support
Jan 19, 2023 at 12:45 pm (PST) | Reply
Hello Jaroslav. If you already created your IBM Cloud instance, then follow the steps:
1. Go to https://cloud.ibm.com/resources
2. Click "AI / Machine Learning"
3. Click "Language Translator"
The final page should display your API URL and API key.

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Xuan Trinh
Jul 15, 2022 at 07:01 am (PST) | Reply
IBM Cloud now can't register account with an gmail address. Error on payment with event a valid credit card number. Can't use vovsoft subtitle translator now.
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Vovsoft Support
Jul 15, 2022 at 11:31 pm (PST) | Reply
Hello Xuan. Unfortunately, it seems that it is not possible to register for IBM Cloud services from some countries, including China and Taiwan.

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Panagiotis Tranidis
Feb 23, 2022 at 10:55 am (PST) | Reply
Hello. I'm trying to account for IBM for API. Everything goes well to the point where the card must be checked for payment. I enter the details, it shows that it is checking, I do the certification from the bank but there it stops and tells me that it is not accepted. the bank accepts it. I tried it with a second account at IBM. There is the same problem. What should I do? If I can not proceed with the procedure with IBM then the program is useless to me. IBM must have a problem at this point. Best Regards Pana

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Feb 1, 2022 at 06:56 am (PST) | Reply
It whould be nice if it could use google translate as well.

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Teodoru Iustinian
Jan 22, 2021 at 08:35 pm (PST) | Reply
1. Where can i find url api key? Because I copied the url and the translator doesn't work! Please help in more detail! 2. To translate a subtitled file {*.srt} (multiple text on multiple lines) do I need to have a paid plan in IBM Cloud? Because your software doesn't translate anything. I mean, it's useless.
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Vovsoft Support
Jan 23, 2021 at 03:55 am (PST) | Reply
Hi Teodoru. Our software requires an API key. You can get it without having a paid plan. Please follow the steps described above. IBM Cloud's interface seems complicated but it is worth the effort.
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Miroslav Rusek
Jan 29, 2022 at 09:18 am (PST) | Reply
Taky nemohu najít API klíč a podle popsaných kroků nejde získat.
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May 8, 2022 at 12:06 pm (PST) | Reply
I agree. It’s easier to throw the text into Google translator and translate.

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