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How to Configure Network Alarmer Large Image

How to Configure Network Alarmer

Home » Blog Posts » How to Configure Network Alarmer
Date Last updated 5 months ago
Rated 3.7 / 5 (3 reviews)

Network Alarmer is a user-friendly monitoring tool to track the status of multiple network devices in real-time. By verifying the availability of these devices via their IP addresses, the software provides alerts through automated phone calls or email notifications when any issues arise.


Network Alarmer screenshot

Ping Multiple IP Addresses

You can add various IP addresses to the "PING Hostname List" and the software will verify whether or not they are online.

Auto Check Regularly

"Check Interval" must be filled in seconds. The software will check the IP list regularly and will alarm if any device is unreachable.

Alarm Script

In case something goes off course, Network Alarmer can automatically open any file in your computer or call any web URL in order to send email or trigger some other functionality.

Here is a sample PHP email sender script for Network Alarmer:

  • Fill the "Alarm Script" field like this:
  • PHP must be installed and running in the web server
$message = var_export($_POST, true);
mail('[email protected]', 'Subject', $message, 'From: [email protected]');
echo 'OK';

Dial Telephone Numbers

You need a fax/modem connected to your computer in order to dial numbers. The software will one by one dial all the phone numbers entered into the dial list.

Alarm Sound Effect

In case of a device failure, an alarm sound will be played. The default sound file can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\VOVSOFT\Network Alarmer\alarm.wav and it can be replaced by any other desired WAV file.

Monitor Air Conditioner Temperature

You can add your cooling device's IP address into the "Air Conditioner IP List". The software will alarm, if the temperature exceeds predefined degrees.

Single Room: If you have more than one cooling device and all of them are in a single room, you can use the "Single Room" checkbox. In this way, one single good temperature data is accepted as "no problem".

Supported cooling device:

  • Emerson Liebert


Network Alarmer Icon Network Alarmer Windows

Fatih Ramazan Çıkan
About Author
Fatih Ramazan Çıkan LinkedIn
Software development enthusiast | Electronics engineer

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Comments Responses (3)

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Luiz Cesar Silva de Carvalho
Sep 8, 2021 at 04:44 am (PST) | Reply
Tb não consegui conexão com o script. So da falha.

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Sep 7, 2021 at 09:53 am (PST) | Reply
I am very disappointed in this version 3.9, Previous version installed 3.7 worked, devices that were online had successful checks and those that were offline stated failed, this version 3.9 however ALL devices state failed.

Version 3.7 Results:
Log Count: 6
9/7/2021 10:05:54 AM> works.
9/7/2021 10:05:54 AM> works.
9/7/2021 10:05:54 AM> works.
9/7/2021 10:05:56 AM> failed!
9/7/2021 10:05:58 AM> works.
9/7/2021 10:05:58 AM> works.
9/7/2021 10:05:58 AM> Ping ALARM!
9/7/2021 10:05:59 AM> Script URL connection error!

Version 3.9 Results:
Log Count: 1
Log Count: 2
9/7/2021 11:17:31 AM> failed!
9/7/2021 11:17:32 AM> failed!
9/7/2021 11:17:33 AM> failed!
9/7/2021 11:17:34 AM> failed!
9/7/2021 11:17:35 AM> failed!
9/7/2021 11:17:36 AM> failed!
9/7/2021 11:17:37 AM> Ping ALARM!
9/7/2021 11:27:38 AM> Script URL connection error!
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Sep 7, 2021 at 10:06 am (PST) | Reply
PS: "Send Feedback" freezes program when clicking "Send" and must be closed via task manager.

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