π We will try to implement the features with the most votes first. π A valid license key must be entered for voting! π Each license key can be used for a maximum of 1 vote per feature! π A universal license key can be used to vote for all programs, even the freeware tools!
Ability to change the tab color, the white tab in dark mode is distracting
Ability to add keyboard shortcuts for replacing text (example: Ctrl+Alt+1 replaces AAA to BBB)
Ability to download dictionaries
Ability to insert a page break when printing
Add AI grammar check
Add bookmarks (ability to jump to specific code-blocks)
Display word count
Huge file support
Instead of the default value every time, syntax language should be fixed (for example C#)
We need something like:
Ignore Filetype Syntax
Force Preferred Syntax
Always Stick to Selected Syntax
Ability to allow only 1 instance
Ability to display all lines containing a search text
Ability to exit program using ESC key
Ability to insert page numbers and date-time when printing
Ability to make custom syntax highlighting
Add "Favorites"
Add thesaurus
Ctrl+Del to delete the word forward (It doesn't work in SynEdit)
Display total number of selected lines
Multiple replacements (for example A,B,C,D,E to be replaced with 1,2,3,4,5)
The application should remember the line I edited the last time I saved and closed the file. So I can continue where I left of. Optional, so I have choice to use it or not.
Add "proximity search". Proximity search allows users to find words or phrases that appear near each other within a specified distance in a text document.
Find all sentences where "Joe" and "Smith" both appear.
Find all lines where "Brooklyn" is near "New York"
Functionality Suggestions:
Scope Options: Allow searches to be limited to sentences, or lines.
Ability to add separators/splitters into ToolBar. It helps to organize the buttons into groups.
Ability to add words into Spell Checker
Ability to adjust left margin when displaying
Ability to change the shape/size of the cursor/caret
Ability to drag and drop a tab to a new window
Ability to set default directory for OpenDialog and SaveDialog
Add "Delete Between" (instead of deleting, ability to choose a placeholder multi-line text would be a plus)
Add "Edit with Text Edit Plus" into Windows 11 context menu
Add "Open URL" into right-click menu
Add "Preferences" window for easy access
Add auto-correct spelling
Add dBase syntax
Add PowerShell syntax
Add PureBasic syntax
Add right-click "Make Invisible" to toolbar items
Convert sentences to lines
Display warning if font color and background color are same
Find and Replace dialogs should allow multi-line text
Find Dialog should start from the caret position
FTP support
Improve syntax highlighting with different colors
Reopen should be moved to the very bottom of the list due to its annoying popup function
Spell Checker should stop if the process takes too long
Start with Windows option, and of course, to system tray
Ability to disable "Reopen" menu (I open files I may not want other users of my machine to find)
Done π
Ability to filter lines from a list of text. Add options like equals, contains and case-insensitive.
Developer Note: Published as new software: Text Filter
Done π
Ability to keep and restore application. Application should not ask me to save file when I close the app. Application should save tabs as temporary files. Application should open previous session (saved and unsaved files) next time. Just like "Remember current session for next launch" in Notepad++.
Done π
Ability to use control key plus tab to cycle through open tabs
Done π
Ability to use keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+C, Ctrl+A in FindDialog
Done π
Add "Copy Highlighted Lines" and "Delete Highlighted Lines"
Done π
Add Undo and Redo into toolbar
Done π
After uninstalling Text Edit Plus, right-click context menu should display New "Text Document" (Notepad)
Done π
Done π
Closing last tab shouldn't close the application
Done π
Code folding support
Done π
Customizable toolbar
Done π
Edit/Go to (Ctrl + G shortcut)
Done π
Fix "Modal forms stay behind main window, if Always on Top is enabled"
Done π
Fix "New Update Available window crashes Find and Replace dialogs"
Done π
Fix "settings.ini doesn't support UTF-8"
Done π
Fix "Upper/Lower case ignores accented characters"
Done π
Fix extract text bug (gives error in each line if line parameter is 0)
Done π
Pressing enter key should close the "Change Line Spacing" window
Done π
Save button should be grayed out when text is not modified
Done π
Spell Checker should detect system language (British English / American English)
Done π
Support command line arguments to jump to specified file, line and column:
text.exe %1 %2 %3
Done π
Support command line arguments to print specified file: