π We will try to implement the features with the most votes first. π A valid license key must be entered for voting! π Each license key can be used for a maximum of 1 vote per feature! π A universal license key can be used to vote for all programs, even the freeware tools!
Add option to display date as "Long date" and "short date"
Alt+N and Alt+H shortcuts should be changeable
Application should be visible even if user presses Win+D (Show Desktop)
Can you give us the option to indent text like in this image?
You could make it like the Note Window Margin option.
Delete or hide old reminders
Find (Ctrl+F) should work across all notes
Fix "Ctrl+Z doesn't work after Ctrl+V"
Developer Note: This is a glitch of RichEdit, as we don't use the official "Paste From Clipboard" in order to convert rich-text to plain-text.
Introduce a setting for the user to determine where the data file is located. This is important because any user with an automated backup system is going to want to locate the file in a directory that fits in with his backup system.
Reminder backup
Reminder popup should display the reminder datetime
Security code for the notes
1. User (or program) creates a folder called something like StickyTextRecords.
2. User (or program) puts various empty text files into the folder. The text files may have names such as: Expenses; ToDo, Contacts, Plans, Client Smith, Client Jones, TimeRecord.
3. At any time, the user can decide to send the contents of a stickynote to one of those text files. Right click includes an "Add to Text File", option that will cause the folder to open, displaying the file list.
4. User clicks on the text file to which he would like to add the current sticky note. The program that adds to the text in that file a carriage return, followed by a date and time stamp, followed by the text of the current sticky note.
5. Not all sticky notes would go to a file; only those in which the user determines should be added.
The result is that the user now has an ongoing record of expenses, todo's, contacts, individual client records, etc.
This would vastly enhance the utility of the sticky note application.
Of course, all of this could be done manually, but that means loss of time and greater potential for error.
Ability to add keyboard shortcuts for replacing text (example: Ctrl+Alt+1 replaces AAA to BBB)
Ability to add sound for reminders
Ability to change the Font Color to a custom color of our choice, as in the Background Color
Ability to create a list
Ability to print all notes at once
Ability to resize all notes at once, the same size
Ability to schedule when a note will show and hide (I want to use stickers like reminders)
Ability to see remaining time for reminders
Add "Hide All Stickers Except This One"
Add "Stick to window" (user will select from running application list)
Add pin icon (stay on top)
Application icon should be visible in taskbar by default
Application should look like Windows Sticky Notes
Change default font (Comic Sans). Because it doesn't support Vietnamese characters.
Crop image note
Every note should have a different taskbar icon
I would like to add a 'New Sticky Note' entry to my Desktop right click context menu..., is there a command line parameter that would work as a registry entry?
Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\VOVSOFT\Vov Sticky Notes\sticky.exe" "%1 - new" or something to that effect?
New cascade options
Paint note
Reminder color / font settings
Text should be opaque when window is transparent
Turn off the PC, restart the PC when the reminder pops up
Uninstaller should be able to delete data files too.
Borderless windows, little buttons will show when mouse hovered (example on top-right), plus a little shadow under "papers". That's will great and will like a real sticky note! (Delete ve New buttons should be hidden)
Done π
Default "Note Window Margin" should be 0
Done π
Fix "application doesn't remember note position in multiple monitors"
Done π
Fix the top value of Delete and New buttons
Done π
Increase/decrease font size using mouse wheel
Done π
Note window title should be changeable.
Done π
Notes Manager should be able to hide/show notes using right-click
Done π
Old and unseen reminders should be displayed after restart
Done π
Rename the right-click menu item "Lock" to "Unlock", if the note is "Locked"