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Home » Feature Requests » Vov Music Player

Vov Music Player Feature Requests

Here are the features requested by users.

πŸ‘‰ We will try to implement the features with the most votes first.
πŸ‘‰ A valid license key must be entered for voting!
πŸ‘‰ Each license key can be used for a maximum of 1 vote per feature!
πŸ‘‰ A universal license key can be used to vote for all programs, even the freeware tools!

Vov Music Player Icon Vov Music Player Windows

"Playlist" / "Play History" / "Favorites" / "Statistics" window position should be remembered

Ability to create playlists

"Play History" should include play datetime

A new option "When shuffle is enabled, after a random song, a favorite song should play, and so on"

Ability to lock window size (width and height)

Ability to make font sizes smaller (in Control Window)

Add "Repeat" option. Currently it always repeats from the start.

Add support for audiobook files with chapter information (such as .m4b and .ogg files)

Application should detect mute

Application should display length of playing file (in seconds)

Fade effect

If there is no active audio file, only "Select Directory" button should be enabled

Support DLNA or UPNP streaming

× Pay What You Want

A valid license key must be entered for voting!
Done πŸ‘ Ability scan folder for total time in hours

Done πŸ‘ Ability to change play speed

Done πŸ‘ Ability to choose DJ voice

Done πŸ‘ Ability to play single file

Done πŸ‘ Ability to stay on top

Done πŸ‘ Add "Go to Folder" into list window

Done πŸ‘ Add minimize button

Done πŸ‘ Add more functionality to system tray icon:

If the player is minimized or displayed
Shift + Left mouse click on the icon - Play/Pause

Done πŸ‘ Add more functionality to system tray icon:

If the player is shown
Left mouse click on the icon - minimize the player

If the player is (already) minimized
Left mouse click on the icon - display player (bring back to show)

Done πŸ‘ Add screensnap feature

Done πŸ‘ Application doesn't need "maximize" button, user can maximize the window by using double-click in title bar.

Done πŸ‘ Ctrl + Mouse Wheel: fine-tune adjusting/size of player, but with keeping the ratio size -- the selected aspect ratio it wouldn't be changed

Done πŸ‘ DJ mode should be OFF by default

Done πŸ‘ ESC key should close "list" window

Done πŸ‘ Fix "Closing Visualizer converts Pause button to Play button"

Done πŸ‘ Fix "huge folders make the application very slow"

Done πŸ‘ Fix "Slip Loud Audio Files" checkbox is not checked when enabled

Done πŸ‘ Fix "visualizer makes the window blank if paused"

Done πŸ‘ ID3 support

Done πŸ‘ If a file is corrupt or unsupported, an error message should be displayed

Done πŸ‘ Keyboard shortcuts for volume up, volume down, rewind, forward, next, previous like Ctrl + Right, Ctrl + Left

Done πŸ‘ Main window should be resized

Done πŸ‘ Repeat same song (loop)

Done πŸ‘ Replay gain (normalize peak level) (auto-increase volume if song is very silent)

Done πŸ‘ Searching in "list" windows, should convert and detect non-english chars

Done πŸ‘ Some users may prefer X button to close application, instead of going to system tray

Done πŸ‘ Support for bluetooth headset keys such as next, previous, stop, volume up, volume down