π We will try to implement the features with the most votes first. π A valid license key must be entered for voting! π Each license key can be used for a maximum of 1 vote per feature! π A universal license key can be used to vote for all programs, even the freeware tools!
Add an option to start Tree Notes with the last used file
Ability to alphabetize the child notes
Add an option to set a different icon for notes
Make it multilingual
Ability to change keyboard shortcuts
Ability to display control characters, such as CR, so as to make it easier to reformat and display text
Ability to export to PDF
Ability to format a page as a table (It would thus be easier to use a page as an address book or as a listing of links, with notes or for financial or time-sheet record)
Ability to select and delete multiple notes
Add "Find and Replace" (It should be possible to find and replace on a page or across the entire file)
Add option for larger menu icons
Add password protection
Application should have 3 save buttons at the top:
Save - Also keeps application open and visible.
Save and Hide - Also keep application open but not displayed.
Save and Close - Also closes the application.
Editable area should remember last cursor position
Add hotkeys, such as Alt-A for Add, and Alt-I for Insert, etc. However, it would be nice to have hotkeys for everything, Outdent, Indent, Copy, Paste, etc.
Done π
Add import and export RTF files
Done π
Add print
Done π
Add right-click menu
Done π
Add search bar
Done π
Fix "Add Child" button creates non-empty note
Done π
The application permits itself to be opened two or more times even though it is already open. The result is that there are two or more identical screen on display. If you enter data into one of them and close it, and then save one of the other, the data will be overwritten and lost forever. You should make it so that only one screen can be open OR provide an alert the user so that data is not overwritten.