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Home » Feature Requests » SEO Checker

SEO Checker Feature Requests

Here are the features requested by users.

πŸ‘‰ We will try to implement the features with the most votes first.
πŸ‘‰ A valid license key must be entered for voting!
πŸ‘‰ Each license key can be used for a maximum of 1 vote per feature!
πŸ‘‰ A universal license key can be used to vote for all programs, even the freeware tools!

SEO Checker Icon SEO Checker Windows

Display "schema"

Inform broken images

Ability to crawl specific pages

Add "Link Position":
Navigation – Links contained within the main nav element, usually the main menu.
Header – Links contained within the header, usually at the top of the page.
Aside – Links contained outside of the main content, often used for call out boxes and sidebars.
Footer – Links contained within the footer at the bottom of the page.
Content – Links contained within the main body content of the page.

Ability to compare results with sitemap XML

Add "Images" tab

Application should check "https support"

Display "source URL" for image files

Display "target" and "rel" values

Downloading and analyzing should use different threads

Inform heavy images

Sortable columns

Ability to crawl password protected websites (yes I have the password)

Ability to define URL scan deep level (maximum depth)

Add audit message "Too many external links"

Support for "noindex" headers and meta tags

Support HTML frames

Ability to export all the CSV under one worksheet as an excel or google sheet

Ability to export full "link" - "status code" - "source link" CSV list

Add "Max URL/second" option

Add audit message "Too many internal links"

Add social media share butons facebook, instagram, youtube, twitter etc.

I need to have a clear overview of the pages where there are multiple H1's and also where there aren't any H2's

In addition to "occurrence" and "word count", we need "characters", even better "pixels" column for SERP. SERPs are being truncated because of pixels (580 for titles and 920 for descriptions).

Sortable columns in "Links" window

× Pay What You Want

A valid license key must be entered for voting!
Done πŸ‘ "Completed" must be written somewhere after a successful scan

Done πŸ‘ "Find" should display every found items, not just the first one

Done πŸ‘ "Meta Tags" tab

Done πŸ‘ Ability to export CSV with the following data:
- Title
- Title Length
- META Description
- META Description Length

Done πŸ‘ Ability to export full "title" - "source URL" CSV list

Done πŸ‘ Ability to export the result of page descriptions (CSV)

Done πŸ‘ Ability to save "white label" PDF report (with my own agency name)

Done πŸ‘ Add "Backlink Checker" function

Done πŸ‘ Add audit message "Empty description"

Done πŸ‘ Add audit message "Empty H1"

Done πŸ‘ Add audit message "Empty title"

Done πŸ‘ Add categories/taxonomies tab

Done πŸ‘ Add H3 and H4 tabs

Done πŸ‘ Alexa rank should be in report http://data.alexa.com/data?cli=10&url=vovsoft.com

Done πŸ‘ Application should check "duplicate pages"

Done πŸ‘ Automatic URL history

Done πŸ‘ Default "save as type" should be CSV

Done πŸ‘ Display word count (min 500 words - LOW WORD COUNT)

Done πŸ‘ Fix "https://vovsoft.com and https://vovsoft.com/ should not be different internal URLs"

Done πŸ‘ Make it multilingual

Done πŸ‘ PDF report should include keywords

Done πŸ‘ Printable report or PDF

Done πŸ‘ Remove the Anchors from PDF Report. It clutters the report and can already be exported from the Anchors tab.

Done πŸ‘ Remove the header and footer from PDF Report. I can understand including them in a free version of the software, but not the paid version.

Done πŸ‘ Rename "Description" to "Meta Description"

Done πŸ‘ Rename button "Export Sitemap" to "Export Results".

Done πŸ‘ Spell check words

Developer Note: Searching for each word from dictionary takes a long time. Published as new software: Website Spell Checker

Done πŸ‘ Support <base> tag in the <head> section

Done πŸ‘ Support href attributes without quotation marks