π We will try to implement the features with the most votes first. π A valid license key must be entered for voting! π Each license key can be used for a maximum of 1 vote per feature! π A universal license key can be used to vote for all programs, even the freeware tools!
Ability to select only specific keys to appear in the visualizer (I only want Ctrl and Alt, maybe Shift too, but I don't need Enter, Backspace, Tab, or the navigation/function keys)
Add opacity setting (opacity slider)
Ability to change "Auto-run at Startup" option
Ability to customize the theme
Ability to disable and enable
Ability to disable rounded courners and add a border/outline
Ability to display in "RivaTuner Statistics Server" (for full-screen games)
Ability to display keystroke history
Ability to display SHIFTED characters like @()#^* - display as the actual character, not as [Shift] [2] (Support for special characters)
Add a function to show keystrokes only when you are in a specific program. Sometimes I need to login to a websites and need to turn the program off manually to avoid exposing passwords.
Add an option to display the key on the System Tray instead
Add extra mouse buttons (mouse4, mouse5, mouse6, etc.)
Add option for a transparent background behind the text
Application should be in taskbar by default
Developer Note: This may not be a good idea because the application will be invisible even if user clicks the taskbar icon.
Application should show when you're holding the button
Display key image, instead of text
I need a longer display of keystrokes. Maybe the keys can be displayed in one color while I press them and after I let them go and I don't press another key the key still gets displayed in another color. So people can see what I pressed last, even if I press only for a short time.
I want a key visualiser but not like this, more like a mini keyboard and it colors the keys if pressed
I wish the succesive key strokes could be seen together for a few seconds and rolled away to the left
Visualize repeated pressing of the same key (Code52 Carnac has solved this well)