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Delete Multiple Files Version History

Delete Multiple Files ScreenshotDelete Multiple Files Icon Delete Multiple Files Windows
Version History

Changelog for the latest releases:

This page contains the complete changelog of Delete Multiple Files, detailing what has changed in each version.

Delete Multiple Files 1.8
February 7, 2024 (PST)

  • Fixed “Stay on Top” bug
  • Fixed some high-DPI issues
  • Improved translations

Delete Multiple Files 1.7
September 29, 2023 (PST)

  • Modified the advertisement window to be non-blocking
  • Improved translations

Delete Multiple Files 1.6
July 23, 2022 (PST)

  • Fixed UTF-8 related problem
  • Implemented loading cursor while opening delete.exe

Delete Multiple Files 1.5
July 6, 2022 (PST)

  • Operation files support file masks
  • Supported loading files using command line parameters
  • Fixed some “Stay on Top” related issues
  • Improved UI
  • Improved translations

Delete Multiple Files 1.4
March 25, 2022 (PST)

  • Improved listing
  • Improved UI
  • Improved translations
  • Fixed mask related issue

Delete Multiple Files 1.3
March 8, 2022 (PST)

  • Added “LIST ALL” button
  • Empty file mask deletes file or folder itself
  • “Add Folders” allows selecting multiple directories
  • Improved “Delete All” dialog
  • Improved “Edit” dialog
  • Improved UI

Delete Multiple Files 1.2
October 18, 2021 (PST)

  • Added “List...“ menu item
  • Fixed file mask bug

Delete Multiple Files 1.1
August 18, 2021 (PST)

  • List can be saved and loaded as CSV file
  • Added “Send to Recycle Bin” and “Permanently Delete” options
  • Improved translations

Delete Multiple Files 1.0
January 16, 2021 (PST)

  • First public release

Version Evolution

We are always working to improve our software for a better user experience!

Please make sure you are up to date to avoid any known issues and to get the best of what the software has to offer!

Got an idea for future releases?

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