{INFO:Translated By}LingYa, lurenjia, Mr_Xuan, 三角洲, 周北北, 弗晓, 板Chestnut@bilibili.com {12 hour}12时制 {24 hour}24时制 {A required file is missing:}缺少一个必要的文件: {Ability to disable update notifications}关闭更新通知 {Aborted}中止 {About}关于 {About %s}关于%s {About Us}关于我们 {About...}关于... {Access is denied.}访问被拒绝。 {Acknowledgements...}致谢... {Activation}激活 {Activation Code:}激活码: {Activation failed.}激活失败. {Active}激活 {ADD}添加 {Add}添加 {Add context menu item}添加上下文菜单项 {Add Dictionary...}添加字典... {Add Drive}添加硬盘 {Add File}添加文件 {Add File(s)}添加多个文件 {Add File(s)...}添加多个文件... {Add Files in Folders...}在文件夹中添加文件... {Add files to the list}将文件添加到列表 {Add Files...}添加文件... {Add Folder}添加文件夹 {Add Folder...}添加文件夹... {Add Folders...}添加多个文件夹... {Add Product Manually}手动添加产品 {Add Recursive Subfolders...}添加递归子文件夹... {Add Subfolders...}添加子文件夹... {Add Thousand Separator to Numbers}给数字添加千位分隔符 {Add URL(s)...}添加一个或多个URL... {Add URLs...}添加多个URL... {Add using Environment Variables}使用环境变量添加 {Add Word To Dictionary}向字典添加单词 {Admin Password}管理员密码 {Advanced Mode}高级模式 {Alert Text:}警告文本 {All Customers}所有客户 {All files must be unlocked before changing private key!}更改私钥之前必须解锁所有文件! {All files must be unlocked before enabling or disabling content encryption!}在启用或禁用内容加密之前,必须解锁所有文件! {All Products}所有产品 {Alphabet}字母 {Alphabetical}按字母顺序 {Also delete entered text}同时删除输入的文本 {Always on Top}窗口置顶 {Always on top}窗口置顶 {Always show when toggled on}打开时总是显示 {An error occurred while creating directory:}创建目录时发生错误: {An error occurred while unlocking:}解锁时发生错误: {Analyze URL...}分析URL... {Analyze...}分析... {Anchor Text}锚定文本 {Anchors}锚点 {And please backup your important files and folders before locking in case of hardware or software failure.}请在锁定之前备份您的重要文件和文件夹,以防出现硬件或软件故障。 {Annually}每年 {Annually:}每年: {Any File}任何文件 {Any File (*.*)}任意文件 (*.*) {Are you sure?}确定吗? {Arrange Stickers}排序贴纸 {ASCII Art...}ASCII 图案... {Ask Print}请求打印 {Audio File}音频文件 {Audio file error!}音频文件错误! {Audit Messages...}审核消息... {Auto Copy Highlighted Text to Clipboard}自动将选中的文本复制到剪贴板 {Auto Paste When Clipboard Changes}剪贴板更改时自动粘贴 {Auto Refresh File}自动刷新文件 {Auto Run at Startup}电脑开机自动启动 {Auto-Close Main Window}自动关闭主窗口 {Auto-Close Popup Window After Finishing}完成后自动关闭弹出的窗口 {Auto-Closing...}自动关闭中... {Auto-Refresh Drive List}自动刷新驱动器列表 {Auto-Start at Startup}电脑开机自动启动 {Automatic}自动 {Automatically Restart Download}自动重新启动下载 {Automatically restarted!}自动重新启动! {Automatically Synchronize}自动同步 {Background Color:}背景颜色: {Backup Files:}备份文件: {Backup Registry...}备份注册表... {Backup Stickers}备份贴纸 {Backup...}备份... {Barcode}条形码 {BARCODE:}条形码: {Begin:}开始: {Beginning of Each Line...}每行开头... {Big Icons}大图标 {Blog}博客 {BREAK TIME!}休息时间! {Browse...}浏览... {Buy Now}立即购买 {Calculate}计算 {Calculating all possibilities...}计算所有可能性... {Calculation Results:}计算结果: {Cancel}取消 {Cancel product selection}取消产品选择 {CANCELED upon User Request}已因用户请求而取消 {Canceled!}取消! {Cannot create file}无法建立文件 {Capitalize (First Letters Only)}首字母大写 {Caps Lock}大写锁定 {Caps Lock: OFF}大写锁定:关闭 {Caps Lock: ON}大写锁定:开启 {Cascade}映射 {Categories}多个类别 {Category}类别 {Category:}类别: {Change Auto-Close Time}更改自动关闭时间 {Change Auto-Close Time...}更改自动关闭时间... {Change Background Color}更改背景颜色 {Change Background Color...}更改背景颜色... {Change Destination Folder}更改目标文件夹 {Change File Location...}更改文件位置... {Change Font...}更改字体 {Change Interface}更改界面 {Change Keyboard Key}更改键盘键 {Change Keyboard Key...}更改键盘键... {Change Line Spacing}更改行距 {Change Line Spacing...}更改行距... {Change Login Password...}更改密码... {Change Menu Font...}更改菜单字体 {Change Private Key...}更改私钥 {Change Recovery E-mail}更改恢复电子邮件 {Change Text Font}更改文本字体 {Change Theme}更改主题 {Change Theme...}更改主题 {Change:}更改: {Characters}品质 {Check Multiple Websites}检查多个网站 {Check Multiple Websites...}检查多个网站... {Check Status Codes}检查状态代码 {Checking Status Codes...}检查状态代码... {Choose File...}选择文件... {Classic}经典 {Classical Interface}经典界面 {Clear}清晰 {Clear File History}清除文件历史记录 {Clear History}清除历史记录 {Click "New Sticker"}点击“新标签” {Click to download}点击下载 {Clip Lines...}行修剪... {Clipboard}剪贴板 {Close}关闭 {Code Folding}代码折叠 {Code:}代码: {Combine Lines...}行合并... {Comma}逗号 {Comma-Separated Values File (CSV)...}以逗号分隔文件(CSV) {Commercial use allowed}允许商业用途 {Company}公司 {Compare Two Texts...}比较两个文本... {Completed}完成 {Completed!}完成! {Completed.}完成. {Computer Code:}计算机码: {Computer Time:}计算机时间: {Computer Timezone:}计算机时区: {Computer will press keys}电脑将按键 {Confirm Before Deletion}删除前确认 {Confirm Password:}确认密码: {Confirm?}确认 {Confirmation}确认 {Connection Error!}连接错误! {Connection Timeout (ms):}连接超时 (毫秒): {Contact}联系 {Content Encryption (SLOW)}内容加密 (慢) {Content encryption is enabled.}内容加密已启用。 {Continue}继续 {Contribute to Translation}贡献翻译(点击) {Convert}转换 {CONVERT}转换 {Convert Non-Breaking Spaces to Regular Spaces}将不间断空格转换为普通空格 {Convert Non-English Chars to English Chars}将非英文字符转换为英文字符 {Convert Numbers to Text}将数值转化为文本 {Copied}已复制 {Copy}复制 {Copy All}全部复制 {Copy Anchor Text}复制锚文本 {Copy Filename}复制文件名 {Copy files to many directories}将文件复制到多个目录 {COPY INTO TARGET FOLDERS}复制到目标文件夹 {Copy Selected}复制选定项 {Copy URL}复制 URL {Copying...}正在复制... {Create Sample CSV for Advanced Mode...}为高级模式创建CSV样本 {Create Sample CSV for Simple Mode...}为简单模式创建CSV样本 {CREDIT:}信用: {Credits}贷记 {CSV File}CSV 文件 {CSV File (*.csv)}CSV文件 (*.csv) {CSV Separator}CSV分隔符号 {CSV Separator:}CSV分隔符号: {Currency Symbol}货币符号 {Customer}客户 {Customer with credit cannot be deleted!}有信用的客户不能删除! {CUSTOMER:}我是您的客户 {Customer:}客户: {CUSTOMERS}客户 {Customers}客户 {Customize Tool Bar}自定义工具栏 {Customize Tool Bar...}自定义工具栏... {Cut}剪切 {Daily}日志 {Daily:}日志: {Dark}深色模式 {Database Location}数据库位置 {Date}日期 {Date and Time}日期和时间 {Day}日 {Daylight Saving:}夏令时: {Decode...}解码... {Decrease Font Size}字体变小 {Default}默认 {Default Alphabet}默认字母表 {Default CSV Format}默认CSV格式 {Del key:}Del(ete) 键: {Delete}删除 {DELETE}删除 {Delete After}删除之后字符 {DELETE ALL}删除全部 {Delete All}删除全部 {Delete all characters after:}删除以下字符之后的所有字符: {Delete all characters before:}删除以下字符之前的所有字符: {Delete All Spaces}删除所有空格 {Delete Alphabetic [a-z] [A-Z]}删除字母[a-z][A-Z] {Delete Alphanumeric [a-z] [A-Z] [0-9]}删除字母和数字[a-z][A-Z][0-9] {Delete Before}删除之前字符 {Delete Beginning or Ending Strings...}删除开始或结束字符串 {Delete Chars}删除字符 {DELETE CUSTOMER}删除客户 {Delete Customer}删除客户 {Delete Extra Spaces}删除多余空格 {Delete last entered product}删除最后一次输入的产品 {Delete Non-Alphabetic}删除非字母 {Delete Non-Alphanumeric}删除字母和数字之外的字符 {Delete Numbers [0-9]}删除数字[0-9] {DELETE PRODUCT}删除产品 {Delete Record}删除记录 {Delete Reminder}删除提醒 {Delete Selected}删除所选 {Delete Unnecessary Lines}删除多余行 {Delete?}删除吗? {Deleted}已删除 {Depth}深度 {Description}描述 {Descriptions}多个描述 {Deselect All}取消全选 {Destination:}目标目录: {DETAILS}详细信息 {Diagnose}诊断 {Diagonal}对角线 {Directory is not writable!}目录不可写入! {Directory not found!}找不到目录! {Directory:}目录: {Disabled}已禁用 {Discount}折扣 {Discounted Price}折扣价 {Discounted Total}总折扣 {Disk Write Interval (sec):}硬盘写入间隔时间 (秒): {Display Duration:}展示时间 {Display Load Time}显示加载时间 {Display Prices}显示价格 {Display Special Chars}显示特殊字符 {Display Unfinished Results}显示未完成的结果 {Display Word Count}显示字数 {Do you really want to delete ALL stickers?}您确认要删除所有贴纸吗? {Do you really want to delete the reminder?}您确认要删除当前提醒吗? {Do you really want to delete the sticker?}您确认要删除当前贴纸吗? {Do you want to delete all stickers, reminders, settings and restart application?}是否要删除所有贴纸、提醒、设置并重新启动应用程序? {Do you want to replace the sticker with the image?}要用图像替换标签吗? {Do you want to save the current file before exit?}您确认退出前要保存当前文件吗? {Do you want to save the current file?}您确认要保存当前文件吗? {Do you want to save this file before exit?}您确认退出前要保存当前文件吗? {Do you want to save this file?}您确认要保存当前文件吗? {Domain Name}域名 {Don't show this again}将不再为您展示 {Download}下载 {Downloading...}下载... {Drag Drop Filenames}拖放文件名 {Draw mouse pointer}绘制鼠标指针 {Drive}驱动器 {DRIVE MISMATCH}驱动器不匹配 {Drive:}磁盘: {Duplicate Lines}重复行 {E-mail}电子邮件 {E-mail is changed.}电子邮件已更改。 {E-mail not accepted!}不认可的电子邮件! {E-mail not found!}找不到电子邮件! {E-mail Processor}E-mail 处理器 {Edit}编辑 {Edit License}编辑许可证 {Edit License...}编辑许可证... {Edit Password}编辑密码 {Edit...}编辑... {Elapsed Time:}运行时间: {Email Address}电子邮件地址 {Empty}空的 {Empty Lines (can include spaces and tabs)}空行 (可以包含空格和制表符) {Enable}开启 {Enabled}启用 {Encode...}编码... {Encoding}编码 {Encoding:}编码: {Encryption}加密 {End of Each Line...}自动换行 {End-User License Agreement}最终用户许可协议 {End:}结束: {English}英语 {Enter License Key}输入许可证密钥 {Entire Document}整个文件 {Error}错误 {ERROR}错误 {Error No:}错误码: {ESC key:}ESC 键: {EULA}最终用户协议 {Even Numbered Lines}偶数行 {Excel 2007 File (*.xlsx)}Excel 2007 文件 (*.xlsx) {Excel CSV Format}Excel CSV格式 {Excel File (*.xls)}Excel文件 (*.xls) {Excel File (XLS)...}Excel文件 (XLS) {Exit}退出 {Exit Application?}退出应用程序? {Exit Full Screen}退出全屏 {Exit...}退出... {EXITING...}退出中... {Explore Dictionaries...}浏览词典... {Export}导出 {Export Anchor List...}导出锚列表... {Export Backlinks...}导出反向链接... {Export Descriptions...}导出说明... {Export H1 Tags...}导出 H1 标签... {Export H2 Tags...}导出 H2 标签... {Export H3 Tags...}导出 H3 标签... {Export H4 Tags...}导出 H4 标签... {Export Internal URLs...}导出内部 URLs... {Export Lines to Files}导出每行到文件 {Export Lines to Files...}导出每行到文件... {Export Links...}导出链接... {Export Report to PDF...}将报告导出为PDF... {Export Sitemap...}导出站点地图... {Export Titles...}导出标题... {Export To File}导出到文件 {Export to File...}导出到文件... {Export to HTML...}导出为HTML {Export to PDF...}导出为PDF {Export to VCF...}导出到VCF... {Exported Entries:}导出项目: {External}外部的 {Extra Line Spacing:}额外行间距: {Extract Image...}提取图像... {Extract Text...}提取文本... {Extras}其他 {Fade-out Animation}淡出动画 {Failed}失败 {Failure}失败 {Feedback}意见反馈 {feedback}意见反馈 {File}文件 {File already exists!}文件已存在! {File does NOT exist:}文件不存在: {File inaccessible!}文件无法访问! {File List}文件列表 {File Location}文件位置 {File Location:}文件位置: {File lock error!}文件锁定错误! {File Mask}文件掩码 {File Mask:}文件掩码: {File not found!}找不到文件! {File or Folder:}文件或文件夹: {File Recovery}文件恢复 {Filename}文件名 {Filename:}文件名: {Filename: %s}文件名: %s {Files & Folders}文件和文件夹 {Filter Lines}行过滤 {Find}查找 {Find Erroneous E-mails}查找错误电子邮件 {Find Lines}查找行 {Find Lines...}查找行... {Find Next}查找下一个 {Find Next Misspelling}查找下一个拼写错误 {Fix Broken UTF-8 Encoding}修复损坏的UTF-8编码 {Fixed-Pitch Fonts Only}仅限固定间距字体 {Folder}文件夹 {Folder does NOT exist:}文件夹不存在: {Folder Size:}文件夹大小: {Folder:}文件夹: {Folders}文件夹 {Follow}跟随 {Follow Redirects}跟踪重定向 {For 1}1 {For 10}10 {For 100}100 {For 20}20 {For 200}200 {For 5}5 {For 50}50 {Forgot Password?}忘记密码? {Format:}格式: {FREE}免费 {Free Edit}自由编辑 {Free to try}免费试用 {FREEWARE}免费软件 {Freeware}免费软件 {Freeware Utilities}免费软件实用程序 {Full Screen}全屏 {Generate}生成 {Generate Barcode Image...}生成条形码... {Generate Domain Name List}生成域名列表 {Generate E-mail List}生成E-mail列表 {Generate Hostname List}生成主机名列表 {Generate URL List}生成URL列表 {Generate Word List}生成单词表 {Get Server Time}获取服务器时间 {Go}运行 {Go to URL}转到URL {Go to...}前往 {Google CSV Format}Google CSV格式 {GRAND TOTAL:}总计: {H1 Tag}H1标签 {H1 Tags}多个H1标签 {H2 Tag}H2标签 {H2 Tags}多个H2标签 {H3 Tag}H3标签 {H3 Tags}多个H3标签 {H4 Tag}H4标签 {H4 Tags}多个H4标签 {Hardware encoding}硬件编码 {Header}页眉 {Headers}头 {Height}高度 {Height:}高度: {Help}帮助 {Hidden}隐藏 {Hide}宽度 {Hide All Stickers}隐藏所有贴纸 {Hide Details}隐藏详细信息 {Highlight Active Line}高亮显示当前行 {Highlight Even Lines}高亮显示偶数行 {Highlight mouse pointer}高亮显示鼠标指针 {Highlight Odd Lines}高亮显示奇数行 {HINT}提示 {Home}主页 {Hotkey:}热键: {Hourly}每小时 {Hourly:}每小时: {How to create new sticky note:}如何创建新的标签: {How to uninstall...}如何卸载... {HTML File (*.html)}HTML文件 {I dislike it!}我不喜欢它! {I like it!}我喜欢! {ID}缩略 {ID Transformer...}缩略提取…… {Idle Time:}空闲时间: {If no keyboard or mouse events occur for "Idle Time", "Work Time" resets.}如果键盘或鼠标长时间无操作,“工作时间”将重置 {If you like the software, please buy a license to make this software fully functional and remove this window.}如果您喜欢该软件,请购买许可证,使这个软件完全功能,并删除此窗口。 {Ignore}忽略 {Ignore Drive Mismatch While Unlocking}解锁时忽略驱动器不匹配 {Ignore Extensions:}忽略扩展名: {Ignore Failed Files While Unlocking}解锁时忽略失败的文件 {Ignore URLs:}忽略URLs: {Import}导入 {Import from File...}从文件导入... {IMPORTANT}重要 {Include my e-mail:}包括我的电子邮件: {Include Subdirectories?}包含子目录? {Increase Font Size}字体变大 {Increment:}增量: {Indicates status of keys}指示键的状态 {Info}信息 {Information}信息 {Initializing...}初始化... {Insert}插入 {Insert Empty Lines}插入空行 {Insert Numbers}插入数字 {Insert Same Text Multiple Times}多次插入同一文本 {Insert Same Text Multiple Times...}多次插入同一文本... {Insufficient container volume!}容器容量不足! {Insufficient load limit!}加载上限不足! {Insufficient stock!}库存不足! {Internal}内部的 {Internal URL Limit:}内部 URL 限制: {Internal URL:}内部 URL: {Internal URLs}内部 URLs {Interval (sec):}间隔 (秒): {Invalid E-mail!}无效的电子邮件! {Invalid Entry!}条目无效 ! {Invert Selection}反向选择 {Invisible}不可见 {Item}项目 {Keyboard Shortcuts}键盘快捷键 {KeyPress Simulator}键盘快捷键 {Language}语言 {Language:}语言: {Language...}语言... {LED Color (OFF):}LED 颜色 (关闭): {LED Color (ON):}LED 颜色 (打开): {Left}左 {Left Click}左键单击 {Left click to show Stickers on top.}左键单击以在顶部显示贴纸。 {Length}长度 {Less Than}小于 {License key is invalid!}许可证无效! {License:}许可证: {License...}许可证... {Licensed}授权给 {Licensed to:}授权给: {Lifetime free updates}终身免费更新 {Light}亮色模式 {Line}行 {Line Length}按每行长度 {Line Numbers}行数 {Line Order}打乱行顺序 {Link}链接 {Links}多个链接 {List}列表 {LIST ALL}列出所有 {List Files}列出文件 {List Files...}列出文件... {List of Containers:}容器列表: {List of Loads:}加载列表: {List...}列表... {Load}加载 {Load And Run Operation Files...}加载并运行操作文件... {Load Limit}载入列表 {Load Operation File...}加载操作文件... {Load Project...}加载项目... {Load source list from file...}从文件加载源列表 ... {Load target list from file...}从文件加载目标列表 ... {Load Time (sec)}加载时间 (秒) {Load vCards from VCF file...}从 VCF 文件载入 vCard ... {Load...}加载 ... {Loading}正在加载 {Loading: %s}正在加载: %s {Loading...}正在加载... {Lock}锁定 {Lock and Unlock processes may take some time.}锁定和解锁过程可能需要一些时间。 {Lock Selected}锁定已选中 {LOCKED}已锁住 {Locking}锁定中 {Logged in as administrator.}以管理员身份登录。 {Login (Full Access)}登录 (完全访问) {Logout}注销 {Lost Files:}丢失的文件: {lowercase}小写 {Lowercase}小写 {MAIN MENU}主菜单 {Make Invisible}使其不可见 {Make Visible}使其可见 {Mark as Complete}标记为完成 {Maximum:}最大值 {Memory}存储器 {Menu Hotkeys}菜单热键 {Merge all files into the root of the target folder}将所有文件与目标文件夹的根目录合并 {MERGE MULTIPLE FOLDERS INTO ONE}将多个文件夹合并为一个 {Merge Type:}合并类型: {Method:}方法: {Middle Button Click}单击中间按钮 {milliseconds}毫秒 {Minimal Mode}最小模式 {Minimize when recording starts}记录开始时最小化 {Minimum:}最小值 {Minute}分 {minutes}分钟 {Mirror}镜像 {Mirror (Reset Target Folders)}镜像(重置目标文件夹) {Miscellaneous}其他 {Mode}模式 {Modified}调整 {Monitor}显示器 {Monitor External File Modification}监控外部文件修改 {Month}月 {Monthly}每月 {Monthly:}每月: {More Than}多于 {Move}移动 {Move (Delete Source Files and Folders)}移动 (删除源文件和文件夹) {Move Down}下移 {Move Info: Source files and folders were not deleted from disk because of copy error}移动信息:由于复制错误,源文件和文件夹未从磁盘中删除 {Move to the Bottom}移至底部 {Move to the Top}移至顶部 {Move Up}上移 {Moved}已移动 {Moving...}移动中... {Multiple Files...}多个文件... {Name}名称 {Name of Container}容器名称 {Name of Load}加载名称 {Net Encoding}网络编码 {New}新建 {New Project}新项目 {New Reminder}新提醒 {New Reminder...}新提醒... {New Sticker}新贴纸 {New Window}新窗口 {Next Page}下一页 {Next Receipt Number:}下一个收据编码 {Next Rest:}切换下一个Rest: {No}否 {No Audio}无音频 {No data found!}未找到数据! {No erroneous e-mail found.}没有发现错误的电子邮件。 {No issues have been found.}未发现任何问题。 {No Item Selected!}未选择任何项目! {No item selected!}未选择任何项目! {No lines were affected!}没有行受影响! {No mouse pointer}没有鼠标指针 {No nag screen, no ads}没有干扰提示,无广告 {No replacements made.}未进行替换。 {No Sound}没有声音 {No sticky notes left on the desktop!}当前桌面无留言! {No text selected!}未选择文本! {Non-English}非英语 {None}仅文本 {Not applicable!}不适用! {Not Paid:}未支付: {Note}备注 {Note Window Margin:}注意窗口边距: {Notes Manager}存储信息 {Notes Manager...}笔记编辑器... {Num Lock}数字键 {Num Lock: OFF}数字键锁定:关闭 {Num Lock: ON}数字键锁定:开启 {Number of affected lines: %s}受影响的行数: %s {Number of deleted lines: %s}已删除行数: %s {Number of Files:}文件数量: {Number of Times:}次数 {Numbers}数字 {Numbers:}数值 {Occurrence}发生 {Odd Numbered Lines}奇数行 {Offline Activation}离线激活 {Offset}偏移量 {OK}确定 {Online Help}联机帮助 {Only %s entries exported using unlicensed version.}只有 %s 个条目使用未授权版本导出。 {Only Once}仅一次 {Only Once:}仅一次: {Open File}打开文件 {Open folder location...}打开文件夹位置... {Open Folder Location...}打开文件夹位置... {Open PDF...}打开PDF... {Open...}打开 {Operating Systems:}操作系统: {Operation File}操作文件 {Operation STOPPED!}操作停止! {Operations}操作 {Optimize for LCD}LCD优化 {Options}选项 {Options:}选项: {Options...}选项... {Ordinal Values of Characters}字符序值 {Original Size}原始尺寸 {Other}其他 {Outlook CSV Format}Outlook CSV格式 {Output}导出 {Output:}输出: {Overwrite Existing Files}覆盖现有文件 {Overwrite Read-Only Files}覆盖只读文件 {Page: %s}页码: %s {PAID}已支付 {Paid}已支付 {Paid:}已支付: {Password}密码 {Password is changed.}密码已更改。 {Password is incorrect!}密码不正确! {Password not accepted!}密码未被接受! {Password Recovery E-mail:}用于密码恢复的电子邮件: {Password:}密码: {Passwords do not match!}密码不匹配 {Paste}粘贴 {Paste into Form Field}粘贴到表单域 {Payments}付款 {PDF File (*.pdf)}PDF文档 (*.pdf) {Permanently Delete}永久删除 {Permanently Delete All}所有内容永久删除 {Phone Number}电话号码 {Play}播放 {Play Sound Effect}播放音效 {Play Sound Effects}播放音效 {Please add containers!}请添加容器 {Please add folders!}请添加文件夹! {Please add loads!}请选择加载! {Please add source files!}请添加源文件 ! {Please add target folders!}请添加目标文件夹! {Please check your e-mail box.}请检查您的电子邮箱。 {Please check your internet connection!}请检查您的网络连接! {Please enter barcode or product name!}请输入条码或产品名称! {Please enter discount ratio:}请输入折扣率 {Please enter master password!}请输入主密码! {Please enter new currency symbol:}请输入新的货币符号: {Please enter password:}请输入密码: {Please enter unit price:}请输入单位价格: {Please enter your license key:}请输入您的许可证密钥: {Please enter your license key!}请输入您的许可证密钥! {Please keep it in a safe place. You need it to unlock your files and folders.}请放在安全的地方。您需要它来解锁您的文件和文件夹。 {Please obtain a license key to activate the software.}请获取许可证密钥以激活软件。 {Please reinstall the software.}请重新安装软件。 {Please reopen the software without administrator privileges.}请在没有管理员特权的情况下重新打开软件。 {Please try again later!}请稍后重试! {Please try again later.}请稍后重试。 {Please try:}请尝试: {Please type NEW password:}请输入新密码: {Please type your CURRENT password:}请输入您的当前密码: {Please type your NEW e-mail:}请键入您的新电子邮件: {Please type your NEW password:}请输入您的新密码: {Please type your NEW private key:}请输入您的新私钥: {Please Wait For Backup Process!}请等待备份过程! {Preserve folder structure}保留文件夹结构 {Preview Sticker}预览贴纸 {Previous Page}上一页 {Price}价格 {PRICE:}价格: {Print}打印 {Print Current Page}打印当前页面 {Print Setup}打印设置 {Print Template}打印模板 {Print?}打印吗? {Print...}打印 {Printer not found!}打印机未找到! {Privacy Policy}隐私政策 {Private Key}私钥 {Private key changed.}私钥已更改 {Process}处理 {Process completed!}流程完成! {Processing...}处理中... {Product}产品 {Product List}产品列表 {Product List...}产品列表... {PRODUCT NAME:}产品名称: {Product successfully activated.}激活成功. {Product:}产品: {PRODUCTS}产品 {Products}产品 {Properties}属性 {Purchase}购买 {Quantity}数量 {Random Number Generator}生成随机数字 {Random Number Generator...}生成随机数字... {Random Text Generator}生成随机文本 {Random Text Generator...}生成随机文本... {Randomize Line Contents}打乱行内容 {Randomize Line Order}打乱行顺序 {Read Reviews}阅读评论 {Ready}准备好了 {Receipts}收据 {Recognize Environment Variables}识别环境变量 {Recognize Network Drives}识别网络驱动器 {RECORD}记录 {RECORD DATE:}记录日期: {Recording...}记录... {Recover Lost Files}恢复丢失的文件 {Recover Lost Files...}恢复丢失的文件 {Recover Password}恢复密码 {Recover Selected Files}恢复选定文件 {Redo}重做 {Refresh Device List}刷新设备列表 {Refresh Hardware Encodings}刷新硬件编码 {Refund Policy}退款政策 {Region}注册 {Regular Expression}正则表达式 {Regular Expression...}正则表达式... {Related Software}相关软件 {Release Date:}发布日期: {Remember Settings}记住设置 {Reminder}提醒 {Reminders}多个提醒 {Remove}移除 {Remove All}全部移除 {Remove Anchor Links}移除锚链接 {Remove Query String Links}移除查询字符串链接 {Remove Selected}移除选定的 {Reopen}重新打开 {Replace}替换 {Replace by Space}替换为空格 {Reports}报告 {Required files are missing}缺少必需的文件 {Reset}恢复 {Reset Registry...}重置注册表... {Reset to Defaults}重置为默认值 {Reset Work Time}重置使用时间 {Response Timeout (ms):}响应超时 (毫秒): {Restart Application?}重启应用程序? {Restore}修复 {Restore from Backup...}从备份复原 ... {Restore when recording is complete}记录完成后修复 {Reverse}行反转 {Reverse Line Contents}反转行内容 {Reverse Line Sequence}反转行序列 {Right Click}右键单击 {Right click to add new Stickers or Reminders.}右键单击以添加新的贴纸或提醒。 {Right-click tray icon}右击托盘图标 {Rotate}旋转 {Run With}运行 {SALES}售出 {Sample Text}示例文本 {Sample Values}采样值 {Save}保存 {Save As...}另存为... {Save Operation File As...}将操作文件另存为... {Save Operation File...}保存操作文件... {Save Project As...}将项目另存为... {Save Results}保存结果 {Save source list to file...}将源列表保存到文件... {Save target list to file...}将目标列表保存到文件... {Scale}比例 {Scale (Fit Auto)}比例(自动调整) {Scale (Fit Height)}比例(拟合高度) {Scale (Fit Width)}比例(拟合宽度) {Scale (Zoom)}比例(缩放) {Scheduled Task}预定任务 {Scheduled Task...}预定任务... {Screen capture failed!}截屏失败! {Screen capture interrupted!}屏幕捕获中断! {ScreenSnap}屏幕快照 {ScreenSnap:}屏幕快照: {Scroll Lock}滚动键锁定 {Scroll Lock: OFF}滚动锁定:关闭 {Scroll Lock: ON}滚动锁定:开启 {Search}查找 {Search Every Line with Google}用谷歌搜索每一行 {Search:}查找: {Search...}查找... {seconds}秒 {Secure your files and folders}保护文件和文件夹 {Select}选中 {Select All}全选 {Select folder:}选择文件夹: {Select Language}选择语言 {Select Product}选择产品 {Select Region and Close}选择区域并关闭 {Select your favourite theme}选择您喜欢的主题 {Selected}已选 {SELL BY CASH}以现金销售 {Sell by Cash}以现金销售 {SELL BY CREDIT}以信用销售 {Sell by Credit}以信用销售 {Semicolon}分号 {Send}发送 {Send e-mail?}发送电子邮件? {Send Feedback}发送意见反馈 {Send Feedback...}发送反馈... {Send to Recycle Bin}发送到回收站 {SEO Audit}搜索引擎优化审计 {Separate by Char}按字符 {Separate by String}按字符串 {Separate Long Lines (Break Words)}按行长度 (拆分单词) {Separate Long Lines (Keep Words)}按行长度 (不拆分单词) {Server Time:}服务时间: {Server:}服务: {Set as Default Encoding}设置为默认编码 {Settings}设置 {Settings...}设置... {Show}显示 {Show aboutbox}显示关于窗口 {Show All Stickers}显示所有贴纸 {Show Date Time}显示日期时间 {Show Details}显示详细信息 {Show feedback window}显示反馈窗口 {Show Idle Time:}显示空闲时间: {Show Letters and Numbers}显示字母和数字 {Show Links...}显示链接... {Show Mouse Buttons}显示鼠标按钮 {Show Notifications}显示通知 {Show Options}显示选项 {Show when status changes}状态更改时显示 {Show Window}显示窗口 {Sign up}注册 {Simple Mode}简单模式 {Simulate Keypress:}模拟按键: {Size (bytes)}大小(字节) {Small Buttons}小按钮 {Smooth Scroll}平滑滚动 {Software}软件 {Software encoding}软件编码 {Something went wrong. Your feedback could not be delivered.}出问题了。您的意见反馈无法发送。 {Sort}排序 {Sort Lines}行排序 {Sound Effect}音效 {Sound:}声音: {Source (Files, Folders, URLs)}源 (文件、文件夹、URL) {Source URL}源URL {Space}空白 {Space key:}空格键: {Spell Check}拼写检查 {Spell Checker}拼写检查器 {Spell Checker:}拼写检查器: {Split Lines}行分隔 {Start}开启 {Start download}开始下载 {Start Working}开始运行 {Start:}开始: {Status}状态 {Status Bar}状态栏 {Status Code}状态码 {Stay on Top}保持置顶 {Stealth Mode}隐身模式 {Stickers}标签 {Stock}库存 {STOCK BALANCE:}库存余额: {Stock Inventory Count Sheet}库存盘点清单 {Stock Inventory Count Sheet...}库存盘点清单... {STOP}停止 {Stop download}停止下载 {Stop:}停止: {Strip HTML Markup}去除 HTML 标记 {Subdomain Name}子域名 {Success}成功 {SUCCESS}成功 {Suggested Corrections}修正推荐 {Support}支持 {Sync Computer Time}同步计算机时间 {Syntax}语法 {System Audio}系统音频 {System Error.}系统错误。 {System Tray Menu}系统菜单 {Tab}制表符 {Tab Indent}制表符缩进 {Tab Options}制表符设置 {Tab Options...}制表符设置... {Tab Size:} 制表符长度: {Target Folder}目标文件夹 {Target folder is not defined!}未定义目标文件夹! {Target Folder:}目标文件夹: {Target Folders}目标文件夹 {Test Alert}测试警报 {Testimonials}用户评价 {Text}文本 {Text Color:}文本颜色: {Text Engine}文本引擎 {Text File}文本文件 {Text File (*.txt)}文本文件 (*.txt) {Text File (TXT)...}文本文件 (TXT)... {Text not found!}文本未找到! {Text:}文本 {Thank you}谢谢您 {Thank you!}谢谢您! {The file could not be created!}无法创建文件! {The file is empty!}文件为空! {The file is very large. Do you still want to try to open it?}文件非常大。您还想尝试打开它吗? {The server returned an invalid response.}服务器响应无效 {The specified region is not valid!}指定的区域无效! {The text contains no lines!}文本不包含行! {Theme}主题 {This action cannot be undone!}此操作无法撤消! {This is an example note.}这是一个示例注释。 {This is required for importing in Gmail and Outlook.}这是在Gmail和Outlook中导入所必需的。 {This is your first sticker!}这是您的第一个贴纸! {This software works best without administrator privileges.}这款软件在无管理员特权情况下运行地最好。 {Time}时间 {Time Remaining:}剩余时间: {Timestamp}时间戳 {Title}标题 {Titles}多个标题 {To Existing Lines}到现有行 {To New Lines...}到新行 {Tool Bar}工具栏 {Tools}工具 {Top}上方 {Top Selling Products}畅销产品 {Top Selling Products...}畅销产品... {Total}总计 {Total Container Volume: %s}容器容量总量: %s {Total Load Volume: %s}加载容量总量: %s {Total URLs: %s}URLs总数: %s {TOTAL:}总计: {Total:}总计: {Translated by:}简体中文翻译者(不排序): {Transparency:}透明度: {Tray Notifications:}系统托盘通知: {Trial}试用版 {TRIAL LIMIT REACHED!}试用期限已结束! {TRIAL VERSION}试用版 {Trim All}全部 {Trim Both}左右 {Trim Left}左 {Trim Lines}行首行尾空白 {Trim Right}右 {Truly Empty Lines}空行 {Try to run as Administrator.}尝试以管理员身份运行。 {Turn Off}关闭 {Turn On}打开 {Type}类型 {Undo}撤消 {Unicode Detector}Unicode 检测器 {Unit}单元 {UNLICENSED}未授权 {Unlock}解锁 {UNLOCK ERROR}解锁错误 {Unlock Selected}解锁已选中 {Unlocked}已解锁 {Unlocking}解锁中 {Unnamed}未命名 {UPDATE}更新 {UPDATE AVAILABLE}有可用的更新 {Update Notifications}更新提示 {UPPERCASE}大写 {Uppercase and Lowercase}大小写 {URL}URL {URL Highlighter (No Spell Check)}高亮链接(不检查拼写) {URL Length}URL长度 {URL not found!}找不到URL! {URL Processor}URL处理器 {URL:}URL: {USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!}使用风险自负! {User Interface Language:}界面语言选择: {User will press keys}用户按键 {User-Agent String:}用户代理字符串: {using Characters}根据字符 {using File}根据导入的文档 {using Text}根据文本 {using Text Length}根据文本长度 {VCF Files (*.vcf)}VCF文件 (*.vcf) {Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.}验证文件是否未损坏,以及文件扩展名是否与文件格式匹配。 {Version History}版本历史记录 {Video file error!}视频文件错误! {View}查看 {View Source...}查看源... {Visible}可见 {Volume}容量 {Volume Limit}容量限制 {Volume of Container}容器体积 {Volume of Load}装载体积 {Vovsoft Newsletter}Vovsoft新闻稿 {Warning}警告 {WARNING}!!!警告!!! {We would really appreciate your feedback.}我们非常感谢您的意见反馈。 {Weekdays}工作日 {Welcome to %s}欢迎来到 %s {Welcome to Our Shop}欢迎来到我们的商店 {What did you like or dislike?}您喜欢什么或不喜欢什么? {What numbers will be added?}将添加哪些数字? {Which Customer?}哪个客户? {Width}宽度 {Width:}宽度: {Word Count}单词计数 {Word Wrap}自动换行 {Work Time:}工作时间: {Wrong Admin Password!}管理员密码错误! {Wrong password!}密码错误! {X:}X: {Y:}Y: {Yahoo CSV Format}雅虎CSV格式 {Yes}是 {You are here:}您在这里: {You are not logged as admin!}您未以管理员身份登录 ! {You can preview the font and color settings here.}您可以在此处预览字体和颜色设置。 {You can't go further than:}您不能超过: {You cannot use this feature in the unlicensed edition.}您不能在未经许可的版本中使用此功能。 {You want to go to:}您想去: {Your feedback is received.}收到您的意见反馈。 {Your master password is successfully set.}您的主密码已成功设置。 {Action:} {Add Image Files} {Add Image Files...} {Add multiple dimensions} {Add Text Files...} {Add Width and Height to Output Filename} {Address (Home)} {Address (Work)} {ALL FILES} {Anchor Text:} {API Key:} {Audio Format:} {Auto Recover Unsaved Changes} {Auto Refreshed} {Auto Save} {Auto Saved} {Auto-Delete Temporary File} {Auto-Hide Temporary File} {Back} {Backup} {Base64 Decode} {Base64 Encode} {Batch Conversion...} {Beginning of Each Line:} {Between Lines:} {Birthday} {Calculate Filesize} {Change Active Line Color...} {Change Color} {Change Directory...} {Change Hotkey} {Change Hotkey...} {Change Text Color...} {Close Tab} {Combine Lines} {Compare} {Compare Side by Side} {Compare Side by Side...} {Compare Two Texts} {Completed with some errors!} {Copy Files to Clipboard} {Copy Link} {Copy Source URL} {Copy to Clipboard} {Copy to Clipboard (Include Paths)} {Create Multiple PDF Files...} {Create numbered copy} {Create PDF} {Create Single PDF File...} {Credentials} {Crop to Image Size:} {Custom File Types:} {CUSTOMIZED} {Date modified} {Debug Mode} {Default New Tab} {Delete permanently} {Disable File History} {Display Annotations} {Do you want to close the file?} {Do you want to open the URL?} {Do you want to reload the file?} {Do you want to save the modified PDF before exiting?} {Duplicate Lines (quick sort)} {Email} {Email (Work)} {Emphasize} {Enable File History} {Enable Session Snapshot} {End of Each Line:} {Executable File:} {Execute} {Existing Files:} {Export to CSV...} {Export to Image...} {Export to TXT...} {Export Words...} {FAST} {File Names} {File Size:} {File Size: %s} {Finished (Elapsed Time: %s sec)} {First Name} {Fit} {Folder Size: %s} {Font...} {Footer} {Get API Key} {H1 Tags:} {H2 Tags:} {Height must be specified!} {Hide File Extension} {Hide Initial Path} {HIGH} {Highlight Selected Text} {Highlighting selected text...} {HTML Decode} {HTML Encode} {Image Files} {Include Subfolders} {Increase in Disk Space:} {INFORMATION} {Information...} {Insert Text} {Interpolation Mode:} {Interrupted by user (Elapsed Time: %s sec)} {Keep aspect ratio} {Landscape} {Last Name} {Length: %s} {Load Time: %s sec} {LOW} {Margin Size (mm):} {Middle Name} {Minimize at Startup} {Minimize to System Tray} {Minimum Number of Pressed Buttons:} {Model:} {MP3 File (*.mp3)} {New (Classic)} {New (OpenAI)} {Next} {No image files have been added!} {No unicode found!} {Notes} {Nothing to read!} {Nothing to write!} {Open URL} {Open with Default Application} {OpenAI Settings} {Organization} {Orientation:} {Original Files:} {Output Format:} {Overwrite} {Overwrite Only If Newer} {Overwritten} {Pause} {PDF Engine} {Percent} {Phone (Cell)} {Phone (Home)} {Phone (Work)} {Pixels} {Please enter any text.} {Please enter the URL!} {Please enter your OpenAI credentials.} {Please use the classic text engine!} {Portrait} {Preserve original file} {Preserve Original Filename} {Processed Image Files:} {Receipt} {Reduce} {Remember Current Session for Next Launch} {Remove from List} {Rename} {Rename File} {Report Settings} {Reset to Defaults...} {Resize (%):} {Resize and Create Copies} {Resize Image} {Resize Original} {Resizing %s...} {Restart Application with Administrator Privileges?} {Result} {Resume} {Right-to-Left Layout} {Run as Administrator} {Save as MP3...} {Save as TXT...} {Save as WAV...} {Save...} {Saving to file...} {Savings on Disk Space:} {Scale:} {Searching...} {Select None} {Settings File:} {Show Errors} {Show Icons} {Show in Explorer} {Show Square Brackets} {Silence} {Skipped (File is not old)} {SLOW} {Sound Level:} {Source URL List} {Source URL List...} {Speak} {Speech Speed:} {Spell} {Statistics...} {Stop} {Stopping} {Test Voice} {The application didn't properly close last time. Would you like to load the auto-saved file?} {This file doesn't exist anymore.} {This file has been modified by another program.} {Time: %s sec} {Title:} {To access mapped network drives, run the program without administrator privileges.} {Two Page View} {Unknown Words} {Up to %s characters can be converted in the trial version.} {URL Decode} {URL Encode} {VCF File (*.vcf)} {Version: %s} {View Readable Text...} {Voice Pitch:} {Voice:} {Watermark} {Watermark Image:} {WAV File (*.wav)} {Width and height must be specified!} {Width must be specified!} {Word} {Write something here...}